

QS:Public statistics

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:32, 1 March 2018 by Han (talk | contribs)

Toon in openbare statistieken (public_statistics)


De beheerder kan met dit attribuut bepalen of de resultaten van een bepaalde vraag getoond moeten worden aan de respondent na het voltooien van het invullen van de enquête.

Note: To have the statistics displayed on the last page, do not forget to enable this functionality from the presentation & navigation settings. Otherwise, no statistics link will be displayed at the end of your survey.

The default setting for each question is 'Off' (=Do not show the question statistics to the respondents). You have to enable this for every single question if you want to show the survey statistics of that (those) particular question(s) to the survey participants after the survey submission.

Beschikbare opties

  • On
  • Off (default)