

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 15:59, 31 August 2016 by DenisChenu (talk | contribs)
 Hint: This features is available starting in version 2.50
  This event is new actually, usage of question attribute can be updated and break plugins compatibility in future release. This allow to add Question attribute with the core question. Question Object can improve the system, but broke plugin compatibility.


This settings happen each time the attribute definition is readed for the installation. In general : it happen one time only.



Possible output

  • Adding new attribute : $this->getEvent()->append('questionAttributes', $array); where arry is the new attribute.

New attribute definition array:

    'types' : Apply to this question type
    'category' : Where to put it
    'sortorder' : Sort order in this category
    'inputtype' : type of input : [buttongroup,columns,integer,singleselect,switch,text,textarea]
    'options' : optionnal options if input type need it (for switch, singleselect and buttongroup)
    'default' : the default value
    'i18n' : (optionnal) set to true for translatable attribute
    'caption' : the label
    'help' : an help

Exemple of usage

class addAnAttribute extends PluginBase
    protected $storage = 'DbStorage';

    static protected $name = 'addAnAttribute';
    static protected $description = 'Add an attribute for any question';
    public function init()
   * We add the attribute here
    public function newQuestionAttributes()
        $event = $this->getEvent();
        $questionAttributes = array(
                "help"=>'An example for short, long and huge text.',
                "caption"=>'A text attribute'
                "help"=>'An example for singleselect.',
                "caption"=>'A dropdown attribute'
        $event->append('questionAttributes', $questionAttributes);

  * We can use the attribute like this , for example
    public function beforeQuestionRender()
        $oAttributeOne=QuestionAttribute::model()->find("qid=:qid AND attribute=:attribute",array(":qid"=>$oEvent->get('qid'),":attribute"=>"exampleOne"));
        $oAttributeTwo=QuestionAttribute::model()->find("qid=:qid AND attribute=:attribute",array(":qid"=>$oEvent->get('qid'),":attribute"=>"exampleTwo"));
        /* OR */
         * Do something
