
Toon de vragen

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 21:37, 22 November 2018 by Han (talk | contribs) (Created page with "* '''Groep:''' De vraaggroep waartoe de vraag behoort.")


Als je alle vragen in de enquête op één plaats wilt weergeven, klik dan op de knop Toon de vragen op het tabblad Instellingen:

De volgende pagina wordt getoond:

Vragen tabel

In de schermafbeelding zie je in de rechterbovenhoek een zoekvak waarmee naar een specifieke vraag gezocht kan worden. Het groepsfilter kan hierop worden toegepast in het geval er vergelijkbare vraagnamen gebruikt worden voor meerdere vraaggroepen.

De tabelkolommen zijn:

  • Vraag-ID: Het toont een numerieke waarde die het ID van de vraag is.
  • Vraagvolgorde: De volgorde waarin de vragen aan de respondenten worden getoond.
  • Vraagcode: De vraagcode wordt voornamelijk gebruikt in expressies.
  • Vraag: De vraagtekst.
  • Mandatory:: To find out more about what it means for a question to be mandatory, click here. Three options can be displayed in the table:
    • Not specified: The question is not mandatory;
    • Specified: The question has to be filled in by respondents;
    • Not relevant: The attribute Mandatory cannot be edited (e.g., text display questions).
  • Other: It refers to attribute Other. If enabled, another answer option will be displayed alongside the ones defined by you. Three options can be displayed in the table:
    • Not specified: The question does not have the attribute Other enabled (no "other" answer option will be displayed alongside your defined answers);
    • Specified: If specified, option Other is active. This means that an other answer option will be displayed alongside your defined question answers;
    • Not relevant: Certain questions do not allow you to enable the Other option (such as text display or free text question types).

Note: For a quick introduction on questions, check the following wiki subsection.

  • Quick-action buttons: The last column contains four quick action buttons:
    • Question preview: It allows you to quickly preview a question and check if everything looks fine;
    • Edit question: To edit the question text or other question-related attributes, click on the green pencil;
    • Question summary: It provides access to the most important details of the respective question such as the question text and the enabled attributes;
    • Delete: The red trash button represents the delete button. Once clicked, you have to confirm the question deletion, as well as the deletion of its contents (answer options and subquestions).

To check the structure of a LimeSurvey survey, please read the following wiki subsection.

Group-editing questions

On the bottom-left side of the table you may find the Selected question(s)... button. As the name suggests, it allows survey administrators to quickly perform certain group-actions. They are divided in general and advanced options:

  • Delete: Click on it if you wish to delete at least two questions from your questions table;
  • Set question group and position: Select multiple questions to quickly move them to another question group;
  • Set CSS class: To quickly set up a CSS class for multiple questions, use this function.
  • Set statistics option: Each question contains a set of attributes grouped under the Statistics tab. For more information, access the;
  • Set Other state: To enable or disable attribute Other for multiple questions at once, use this button;
  • Present subquestions/answer options in random order: If enabled, the subquestions and question answers will be displayed to each respondent in a random order. For more details on this attribute, continue reading here.

 Hint: From the bottom-right corner of the table you can select the number of rows/entries to be displayed per page. The default number is 10. However, if you wish to perform certain group-editing actions via the Selected question(s) button, increase the number to get a better on your questions.