
LimeSurvey manual translation - summary

From LimeSurvey Manual

We have recently started to update the English documentation of LimeSurvey. Therefore, we need your help in order to update the non-English documentation, too. Please only translate those pages that appear as being already edited and revised in the following table:

List of wiki pages that have been updated and require translation
Page Additional information The page was updated by Date The page was revised by Date
How to translate LimeSurvey CDorin 2017/09/27
Quick start guide CDorin 2017/09/15 StuartJKondziella 2017/09/26
Installation CDorin 2017/09/11 StuartJKondziella 1017/09/18
Optional settings Few things might not correspond to 3.0+ but those can be found in LimeSurvey 2.0+. CDorin StuartJKondziella
Upgrading from a previous version CDorin
ComfortUpdate CDorin
Installation using a command line interface (CLI) CDorin
Transferring an installation CDorin
Installation FAQ CDorin
Installation security hints CDorin
Localization CDorin
Getting started CDorin
First login - your user preferences CDorin
Administering LimeSurvey CDorin
Home page settings CDorin
Global settings CDorin
Manage users CDorin
Manage user groups CDorin
Central participants database CDorin
Label sets CDorin
Check data integrity CDorin
Backup entire database CDorin
ComfortUpdate CDorin

All the screenshots and explanations should be based on LimeSurvey 3.0+. This page will be updated every two weeks with the English wiki pages that have been already updated and require translations. For a complete list of the pages that require translations, see the list from below.

  Attention : If a page is completely different from LimeSurvey 2.x, then you should mention at the beginning of the respective wiki page the main differences between LimeSurvey 3.x and LimeSurvey 2.x. You could also add a link to another wiki page that contains the information from the old LimeSurvey 2.x wiki.