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This page is for tracking the development status and TODO lists for ExpressionManager
This page is for tracking the development status and TODO lists for ExpressionScript Engine


=Status - Ready for 1.92RC1=

As of revision 11661, Expression Manager is fully integrated into the 1.91+ code base.

There are no known bugs remaining to be addressed.

This will now be back-ported into main development branch so that we can release an official 1.92RC1.
EM was introduced in version 1.92+ (released in March 2012). Since then it is a part of every LimeSurvey distribution.

This will also be forward-ported to the _CI branch so that it is available for the Yii conversion.

=Features present in 1.91+ but DIFFERENT in 1.92  RC1=
=Wish List for EM-Related Enhancements=
*[[Project Ideas for GSoC 2012#Enhance Expression Manager|Enhance Expression Manager]]
*[[Project Ideas for GSoC 2012#Optimize LimeSurvey for Long Surveys|Optimize LimeSurvey for Long Surveys and better performance and maintenance in general]]

==Mathemematical Comparisons against Empty (no response)==

1.91+ and 1.92 give different answers for less-than / greater-than comparisons against empty values.
=Performance Tuning Notes=

One of the LimeSurvey demo surveys uses a set of conditions that translates to this relevance equation:  {(age < 16) or (age == 20) or ... or (age == 80)}. In LimeSurvey 1.91+, (age < 16) is FALSE when there is no answer (the value is blank).  However, in LimeSurey 1.92, (age < 16) is TRUE when there is no answer, since both PHP and JavaScript treat blank as 0 in mathematical comparisons.  Thus, 1.91+ would hide that question when age was unanswered, but 1.92 would show it.

We went to great pains to prevent this, but since we needed to have the Expressions generate identical results in PHP and JavaScript, there was no way to make 1.92 treat "" < 16 as FALSE.  Fortunately, there is an easy work-around for this.  If you want (age < 16) to be FALSE, then use this expression instead: {(!is_empty(age) and age < 16)}.  You can use the new Survey Logic File view to quickly identify and fix any such comparisons in your survey.
ExpressionScript Engine can be called dozens to hundreds of times per page. Instead, it should be possible to concatenate together the roughly tailored parts of the survey page and call Expression Manager once per page (or at least fewer times).

==Display of Conditions==
To accomplish this, two things are needed:
#Ensure that all replacement values are correct when called. Some values like {QUESTION} change multiple times per page. Others are constant across all pages.
#Find a way to concatenate together all page components prior to calling ExpressionScript Engine.

In 1.91+, the list of conditionally related questions is shown in the following.  In 1.92, the new approach is shown after '=>' for each entry
For values that change multiple times per page (like {QUESTION}), I'd like to replace calls to templatereplace(), replaceTokens(), insertAnsReplace(), dTexts, and replaceFields() (several of which call ExpressionScript Engine) as follows:
*Question view => now shows syntax-highligted relevance equation
*Templates: (except for Group and Question) - return as they are so they get processed at the end;
*Question re-order view => now shows syntax-highligted relevance equation
*Group Template: Replace {GROUP} with something like {GROUP_N} which ExpressionScript Engine would then substitute at the end;
*Group re-order view => now shows syntax-highligted relevance equation (but only at group-level)
*Question Template: Replace {QUESTION} and {ANSWER} with something like {QUESTION_N} and {ANSWER_N} which would also get replaced after the whole page was composed.
*Printable Survey => missing - plan to show relevance and validation equations
*Data Entry => missing - plan to show relevance and validation equations

=Features present in 1.91+ but MISSING in 1.92  RC1=

==Display conditions and validation rules in printable survey and data entry views==
==When are each of the following attributes changed?==
*Instead of showing conditions, use LimeExpressionManager::GetQuestionStatus(gid) validation and relevance tips to show the business rules.
*Ensure that LimeExpressionManager:ValidateSurvey() is called after submission of Data Entry screen
==Some Question-level Validation Rules don't show when you first view a page==
But they do show if you fail the validation requirements.
*Requires refactoring of qanda.php to use LimeExpressionManager::GetQuestionStatus($qid) to use the validation and madatory tips
==1.92 does not highlight sub-questions unanswered or invalid sub-questions - it just flags the whole question==
*Extend EM to generate sub-question-level validation equations.
*This could be used to generate field-specific validation JavaScript - e.g. color code only the sub-question responses that violate the validation rules
=Features of original 1.92dev MISSING from 1.92 RC1=
==List (dropdown)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
#Category separator
==List (radio)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==List with comment==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (10 point choice)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (5 point choice)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (Increase/Same/Decrease==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (Numbers)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (Texts)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (Yes/No/Uncertain)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array (by column)==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Array dual scale==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
#Month display style
#Minute step interval
#Date/Time format
==Multiple numerical input==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Multiple short text==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
==Multiple choice==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
#'Other:' comment mandatory
==Multiple choice with comments==
#Random answer order
#Get order from previous question
=Completed Wish List Items for 1.92+ (as of revision 11674)=
#Upgrade EM to support group-level relevance
=Wish List for 1.92+=
#Incorporate EM-related mandatory and validity checks into submit function (so can check on client-side instead of having to wait for server-side submission)
##EM already generates needed JavaScript to check validation
##Requires extension of LimeExpressionManager::GetRelevanceAndTailoringJavaScript() to utilize the validation JavaScript - e.g. to use JQuery to change the background color of input boxes to red if they fail validation
##Probably don't want to put that JavaScript in an onsubmit() function - since it could be helpful to let users submit the data they have on the page, even if some is invalid
#Remove need for call to ExprMgr_process_relevance_and_tailoring prior to document.getReady()
##Only needed because qanda not always inserting proper question/subquestion-level visibility - those values are available from EM - just need to be inserted in qanda.
#Refactor other parts of qanda.php
##Use GetQuestionStatus(qid) to get answer lists, help, etc - will eliminate the need to do SQL queries within qanda for some question types
#Enhance EM'support for array_filter
##If the filter is completely dependent upon questions on prior pages, then irrelevant filtered values don't need to be generated in the HTML
##Currently, all array_filter items are generated, but appropriately hidden.  For large arrays, this can lead to a lot of never-to-be-used code
#Eliminate $_SESSION<nowiki>[</nowiki>'fieldarray']
##Refactor group.php to use GetQuestionStatus(qid) instead of $_SESSION<nowiki>[</nowiki>'fieldarray'] to display questions and answers
##Refactor return_timer_script() in qanda.php to use GetQuestionStatus(qid) instead of $_SESSION<nowiki>[</nowiki>'fieldarray']
##Remove UpdateFieldArray()
##Eliminate $_SESSION<nowiki>[</nowiki>'fieldarray'] from buildsurveysession()
#Upgrade EM ShowLogicFile function to show array filters applied to List question type
#Upgrade EM to support sub-question-level relevance (e.g. use relevance logic for array_filter)
##Javascript support already exists
##Update admin interface to allow custom relevance to be added to sub-questions (in addition to auto-computed relevance from array_filter)
##Modify ProcessAllNeededRelevance() to also compute and  set $_SESSION<nowiki>[</nowiki>'relevanceStatus']<nowiki>[</nowiki>SGQA] for each sub-question that has a relevance equation
#Eliminate buildsurveysession()?
##Appears to be a subset of what EM creates.  Assess gap and remove it if possible.
#Eliminate createFieldMap()?
##Appears to be a subset of what EM creates.  Assess gap and remove it if possible.
=Wish List for beyond 1.92+=
#GUI (using CodeMirror)
**Syntax highlighing lets users quickly debug equations
=Historical Roadmap  Notes=
==Completed ToDo and Wish List Items (as of revision 11661)==
#Testing / Development
##If there are only Equations within a Group, and none are visible, ensure that the Equation values are saved to the database before moving to the next Group (thereby ensuring that user does not see a blank screen).
***Add LEM->NextRelevantSet(mode={question,group,survey},direction={forward,back}) - This will use relevance, hidden, and mandatory status to determine which are the next set of questions to show.
****If going forward, and there are any hidden but relevant equations, this function will save those values to the DB
****If going forward and there are any irrelevant questions, those values will be NULLed in the DB
##In deployed surveys, Mandatory is not being trumped by relevance - so insists that irrelevant questions be answered before continuing.
***Will be fixed by LEM->NextRelevantSet()
##Remove all back-end processing of Conditions and Mandatory.  These will be processed by EM.
***Conditions are already convertable to Relevance
****Call LEM->UpgradeConditionsToRelevance() and LEM->UpgradeRelevanceAttributeToQuestion() as a database upgrade
****Make sure that changes to conditions via GUI are saved as Relevance (call UpgradeConditionsToRelevance(surveyID=sid,qid=qid) once conditions are saved)
***Mandatory will be dealt with by LEM->ValidateCurrentSet()
##Convert most validation to using EM
***Create LEM->ValidateCurrentSet() to compose validation from attributes as server- and client-side
***See below for details of how attributes convert to relevance and validation
****Some are relevance, but require sub-question level control of visibility - must modify LEM->ProcessRelevance to generate show/hidden controls for sub-questions (e.g. use id='tbdispXXXX' rather than id='displayXX')
****Validation ones can be composed into a single EM equation which can be tested on client and server-side.
#Integration into other survey styles
##question.php.  Works, but shows irrelevant questions
***Use LEM->NextRelevantSet() to ensure get next relevant question
##dataentry.php - whole page could be dynamic, as is already true in survey_format.php
##Note, EM capabilities can  not be fully supported in dataentry.php since it does not have the same div fields controlling question visibility. Instead, we could have have people use Survey_format.php.  If people want the dataentry.php look-and-feel, we could use  Survey_format.php as a template (since it works), and change the question-level views to look more  like the dataentry.php style - that way the dynamic question visibility and tailoring would continue to work.
#Question Focus / Tab Order
##Make sure that TAB and SHIFT-TAB work as user expects, even if relevance causes form elements to appear and disappear
#Performance Tuning
##Ensure that EM-based replacements are properly cached
#EM-Enable other Question Attributes
##array_filter - which is done via JS
##Validation (min/max)
#Confirm EM does relacements for the following
##dualscale_headerA, dualscale_headerB
#Cross-Site Scripting Protection
##Ensure that if person enters a <nowiki>[</nowiki>script] block into a free-text field, then inserts that value into a subsequent question, that the <nowiki>[</nowiki>script] does not run
#Integration with Assessments
##Use the Assessment Value field for questions if there is one.  Otherwise use the codeValue
##Currently, EM maximizes caching.  This might cause problems as questions are added/removed - needs to be tested and force a refresh from source if needed.
##Default values being set in Question-by-Question mode, but not in Group or All-in-one modes
##JumpTo - must process validation of all intervening questions/groups
##Submit from Index - must process validation of all intervening questions/groups
##Submit from Index in Question-by-Question mode is only advancing one question rather than submitting
##Resume Later
###Shows navigation error after save instead of informational message
###Not re-loading data when click on emailed link
##Partially completed session data not reloaded
##Activate Survey - should validate that there are no EM-related errors
###New Syntax-Highlighted Logic File lets uses detect any syntax errors at Question, Group, or Survey levels before activating survey
##Prevent use of browser back-button to resubmit a prior page.
##Irrelevant mandatories not always being ignored (e.g. in AutoMEQ) -- was a problem in how PHP handles 0:  {'NA' > 0} == true!
##Switch survey languages
==Have EM control processing of many Question Attribute==
===array_filter: 1ABCEF:;MPL===
If want to filter question Q2 on Q1, where each have subquestions SQ1-SQ3, this is equivalent to relevance equations of:
|Q2_SQ1||Q1_SQ1!=~146<span style="color:146~
|Q2_SQ3||Q1_SQ3!=~146<span style="color:146~
#Move relevance to Question table.
**Would allow more complex relevance (like combinations of conditions)
**Would require a way to edit sub-questions - like existing, but adding column for relevance
**Would need view of current sub-questions so can syntax-highlight relevance to show any inaccuracies
#Invisibly create appropriate relevance equations
**Would not allow user over-rides - would be entirely behind-the-scenes
Relevance is currently done at the question level, not subquestion level.  Would need to:
#Have are relevance parser know about subbquestions, and show/hide tbdispSGQA instead of displayN
#Check whether all SQ are hidden - if so hide entire question
#Treat hidden SQ as  irrelevant (so that cascade relevance?) or just hidden?
===array_filter_exclude:  1ABCEF:;MPL===
Similar to array_filter:
|Q2_SQ2||Q1_SQ2==~146<span style="color:146~

===code_filter">  WZ===
TODO - how is this supposed to work?  If the goal is to allow more complex relevance for sub-questions, most robust way would be to add relevance to sub-questions
===equals_num_value:  K===
Validation:= sum(sq1,...,sqN) == value (which could be an expression).
Creates a "Total" cell that shows the sum of the elements, and color-codes the background as green or red depending upon whether it passes validation
Currently creates complex JavaScript which could be replaced. For example, add the following text to the question which would be dynamically tailored:
*{if(value>max,implode(' ','Answer is invalid. The total of all entries should not add up to more than', max,' ')}
*{if(value<min,implode(' ','Answer is invalid. The total of all entries should add up to at least', min,' ')}
The same functions could be used to generate and alert(), or change the title/tooltip for the total box.
===exclude_all_others:  M===
Can have multiple SQ codes (that must be attached to that question).  If any of them are checked, then uncheck and visually disable the other inputs.
#Should they also be made irrelevant so that questions dependent upon them are properly processed?
** Since they are unchecked, that may be enough.
** If made irrelevant, they would also be hidden, which may not be the desired behavior
===exclude_all_others_auto:  M===
If all except the exclude_all_others is checked, then uncheck/disable them all and check the exclude_all_others entry
*TODO:  How should this work if there are multiple values for exclude_all_others?
===max_answers:  MPR===
Validation:= count(sq1,...,sqN) <= value (which would be an expression).
TODO - what should happen when it passes/fails this validation?
May not need EM for Ranking.  TODO - check how M and P work.
===max_num_value:  K===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) < value (which could be an expression)
===max_num_value_n:  N===
Validation:  var < value (which could be an expression)
===max_num_value_sgqa: K===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) < value (which could be an expression)
===min_answers:  MPR===
Validation:= count(sq1,...,sqN) >= value (which would be an expression).
TODO - what should happen when it passes/fails this validation?
===min_num_value:  K===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) >= value (which could be an expression)
===min_num_value_n:  N===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) >= value (which could be an expression)
===min_num_value_sgqa:  K===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) >= value (which could be an expression)
===multiflexible_max:  :===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) <= value (which could be an expression)
TODO - is this correct, or does it sum by row/column/scale??
===multiflexible_min:  :===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) <= value (which could be an expression)
TODO - is this correct, or does it sum by row/column/scale??
===num_value_equals_sgqa:  K===
Validation:  sum(sq1,...,sqN) == value (which could be an expression)
===show_totals:  : (rows, columns, both)===
Have rows/columns use {sum{v1,...,vN)} so EM will auto-generate replacements
Or, just keep current, which uses multi_set() function.
===assessment_value:  MP===
TODO - how should this work?
==Access to additional question and answer attributes==
#Create JavaScript/PHP Arrays so that functions can do lookup of Question and Answer metadata
***sequence number
***number of enumerated answer choices
***sequence number (so know it is 4th in the enumerated list)
#Create JavaScipt Mapping Arrays to streamline on-page lookup
##Variable aliases to canonical variable name
***question code and INSERTANS:SGQA both map to the javaSGQA or answerSGQA JavaScript variable name
##Canonical variable name maps to an array of question attributes
***questionNum (from SGQA)
***number of enumerated answer choices
***canonical AnswerId
***canonical SubQuestionId
##questionNum to array
##canonical AnswerId to ordered list of array of
# Use dot notation to provide read-only access to attributes.  For example, say we have a question '''q1''', we could have variables such as:
**q1 - returns the current value for q1 as stored in the database
**q1.num - the question number
**q1.type - either the single character that represents the type, or a short string that describes the type
**q1.text - the text of the question as parsed by EM (with substitions)
**q1.rawtext - the raw, unparsed text of the question
**q1.answerId - the answer identifier for the question
**q1.answerCount - the number of enumerated answer options
=Performance Tuning=
ExpressionManager can be called dozens to hundreds of times per page.  Instead, it should be possible to concatenate together the roughly tailored parts of the survey page and call Expression Manager once per page (or at least fewer times).
To accomplish this, two things are needed:
#Ensure that all replacement values are correct when  called.  Some values like {QUESTION} change multiple times per page.  Others are constant across all pages.
#Find way to concatenate together all page components priort to calling ExpressionManager.
For values that change multiple times per page (like {QUESTION}), I'd like to replace calls to templatereplace(), replaceTokens(), insertAnsReplace(), dTexts, and replaceFields() (several of which call ExpressionManager) as follows:
*Templates: (except for Group and Question) - return as is so they get processed at the end
*Group Template:  Replace {GROUP} with something like {GROUP_N} which ExpressionManager would then substitute at the end
*Question Template:  Replace {QUESTION}  and {ANSWER} with something like {QUESTION_N} and {ANSWER_N} which would also get replaced after the whole page was composed.
==When are each of the following attributes changed?==

Here are the possibilities:
Here are the possibilities:
*global - means that the value is global for the LimeSurvey instance (across all surveys and sessions
*global - means that the value is global for the LimeSurvey instance (across all surveys and sessions);
*survey - means each survey might have a different value
*survey - means each survey might have a different value;
*session - means the value should be static across a given session
*session - means the value should be static across a given session
*page - means that the value on each page might differ
*page - means that the value on each page might differ
Line 587: Line 199:

==Where within LimeSurvey is each Keyword Used?==
==Where within LimeSurvey is each Keyword Used?==

A green 1 means that the keyword is used in that file at least once.
A green 1 means that the keyword is used in that file at least once.
Line 597: Line 211:

==Pre-combine all of the page parts prior to calling  Expression Manager?==
CodeIgniter has the option to have calls to views return a string - like $result = $CI->load->view('xxxx',$data,TRUE).
However, each of the views uses a mix of '''echo''' statements and composition of $strings that are then '''return'''ed from the function.
*Do we need to pick on output strategy (return $string vs. echo)?
*Will the echo statements be properly captured?
*Do echo vs. $string creation have different performance characteristics?  Some old PHP manual posts suggest that echo is less efficient.

Latest revision as of 15:50, 11 February 2020

This page is for tracking the development status and TODO lists for ExpressionScript Engine


EM was introduced in version 1.92+ (released in March 2012). Since then it is a part of every LimeSurvey distribution.

Wish List for EM-Related Enhancements

Performance Tuning Notes

ExpressionScript Engine can be called dozens to hundreds of times per page. Instead, it should be possible to concatenate together the roughly tailored parts of the survey page and call Expression Manager once per page (or at least fewer times).

To accomplish this, two things are needed:

  1. Ensure that all replacement values are correct when called. Some values like {QUESTION} change multiple times per page. Others are constant across all pages.
  2. Find a way to concatenate together all page components prior to calling ExpressionScript Engine.

For values that change multiple times per page (like {QUESTION}), I'd like to replace calls to templatereplace(), replaceTokens(), insertAnsReplace(), dTexts, and replaceFields() (several of which call ExpressionScript Engine) as follows:

  • Templates: (except for Group and Question) - return as they are so they get processed at the end;
  • Group Template: Replace {GROUP} with something like {GROUP_N} which ExpressionScript Engine would then substitute at the end;
  • Question Template: Replace {QUESTION} and {ANSWER} with something like {QUESTION_N} and {ANSWER_N} which would also get replaced after the whole page was composed.

When are each of the following attributes changed?

Here are the possibilities:

  • global - means that the value is global for the LimeSurvey instance (across all surveys and sessions);
  • survey - means each survey might have a different value;
  • session - means the value should be static across a given session
  • page - means that the value on each page might differ
  • group - means might differ for each group
  • questions - means might differ for each question
  • answer - means  might differ for each answer option
  • no processing needed - means EM should only do a plain replace on these, no processing of the contents
Attribute When Changed
AID answer
ANSWER answer
CHECKJAVASCRIPT survey - no processing needed
DATESTAMP page - no processing needed
EXPIRY survey - no processing needed
GID group
LANG page
NOSURVEYID survey - no processing needed
PRIVACY survey
QID question
QUESTION question
RESTART survey
SAVE survey
SAVEDID survey
SGQ question
SID survey
TOKEN session - no processing needed
URL survey
WELCOME survey

Where within LimeSurvey is each Keyword Used?

A green 1 means that the keyword is used in that file at least once.