
Custom Admin Themes

From LimeSurvey Manual

LimeSurvey Version 2.06

Creating a new theme

  • In /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/styles/, copy and rename one of the core admin theme directories
  • In Global settings --> General, activate the new theme

Insert a JavaScript file into a custom theme

See the workaround here.

LimeSurvey Version 2.5

Creating a new theme

  • Copy one of the themes from /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/styles to /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/upload/admintheme/ and rename it (let's say "'yourTheme'")
  • Modify /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/upload/admintheme/yourTheme/config.xml to change the name, description and any other items in the <metadatas> tag you see fit
  • In Global settings --> General, activate the new theme

Insert a JavaScript file into a custom theme

  • Add a custom.js file to /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/upload/admintheme/yourTheme/scripts/
  • Modify the <js> tag in /upload/admintheme/yourTheme/config.xml to include the new file so it would end up looking something like this:

LimeSurvey Version 3.0+

Creating a new theme

  • Copy one of the themes from /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/themes/admin to /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/upload/admintheme/ and rename it (let's say "yourTheme")
  • Modify /yourLimeSurveyDirectory/upload/admintheme/yourTheme/config.xml to change the name, description and any other items in the <metadatas> tag you see fit
  • In Global settings --> General, activate the new theme
  • After any modifications to CSS/JS Clear the cache in the Global Settings > General tab /surveys/index.php/admin/globalsettings#general