
Browsing survey results/sl

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 16:00, 28 February 2017 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Updating to match new version of source page)


Ko je anketa aktivirana in so bili odzivi oddani, boste želeli te odzive videti, nekatere urejati (morda tudi izbrisati), jih izvoziti, pridobiti določene informacije o odzivih, ki ste jih do tedaj prijeli itd. Vse to je možno doseči s klikom na "Prebrskaj odzive".

Kako vstopimo v pregled

When your survey is active, make sure your survey is selected. Then click on the 'Responses & statistics' icon and in the appearing dropdown menu the 'Browse responses' menu entry File:Browse.png in the survey tool bar. This will take you to the "Responses & statistics" main screen.


The main screen (Response Summary), which is the entry screen for this section, will show you the following information:

  • The number of full responses
  • The number of incomplete responses
  • The total number of responses (which is a total of full and incomplete responses)

Če vaša anketa uporablja omejitev v obliki žetonov, potem so tukaj prikazane tudi določene informacije o žetonih:

  • Skupno število poslanih vabil
  • Skupno število zaključenih anket
  • Skupno število ponovljenih gesel
  • Skupno število zapisov v tej tabeli z gesli
Incomplete answers are response records with no submission date: such a record can occur when a participant uses the 'saved so far but do not submit survey' function, or when an operator uses the data entry facility to fill out a survey without 'Finalizing the submit', or even when a participant fails to complete the survey because he/she just left.

The other options in this screen are described below:

  • Return to survey administration: Return to the main admin screen for this survey
  • Show summary information: The responses main screen
  • Display responses: Display all the results to the survey. The browse shows full descriptive question names, but only abbreviated answers. See section below (editing and deleting responses).
  • Display last 50: Display the last 50 responses to the survey, ordered from most recent to least recent.
  • Data entry: Go to the data entry screen to add a new response (this option is also available from the admin screen)
  • Statistics: A simple method for filtering and getting summaries of responses.
  • Export results: Export all the responses to this survey to different formats like Word, Excel, CSV, SPSS, R and more.

Pregled rezultatov ankete

When you are browsing responses (by clicking either the Display responses or Display last 50 responses) the first row shows you a number of small icons for each link. Clicking on the View response details icon allows you to view that specific response on an individual basis. From here you can also edit, delete or export that specific response. See section below (editing and deleting responses).

Participants can be identified either by token, name, or IP address.

Urejanje in brisanje odzivov

Med ogledom odzivov si lahko podrobno ogledate posamezen odziv s klikom na ikono Podroben ogled odgovora. Poleg tega lahko odziv tudi ali urejate ali izbrišete.

Urejanje odziva

Urejanje odgovora je dokaj samoumevno. Le to vas pripelje do zaslona za 'vnos podatkov', kjer imate možnost, da spremenite posamezne vnose in jih shranite. Vendar pozor: ste prepričani, da želite spreminjati odgovore anketirancev? Res pa je, da je to vaša anketa. Torej lahko z njo delate kar vi želite!

Brisanje odziva

Tudi brisanje odzivov je dokaj samoumevno vendar je nepriporočjivo razen če imate za to zelo dober razlog (npr. podvojeni odzivi). S klikom na "Izbriši ta odgovor" se pojavi potrditveno pojavno okno, ki vas dodatno opozori ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati ta vnos. Če ga boste potrdili, se bo vnos dokončno izbrisal, zato skrbno premislite preden ga dejansko potrdite.

Izvoz odzivov

V "Upravljanje pregleda podatkov" lahko izberete "Izvozi odgovore" (to lahko naredite za vse odzive ali za izbrane).