

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 12:50, 29 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "*'''Slet dette svar:''' klik på den røde papirkurvsknap, hvis du ønsker at slette svaret fra din svartabel.")


For hurtigt at spore, hvor meget tid en respondent bruger på at besvare hvert spørgsmål eller spørgsmålsgruppe, skal du aktivere timing-indstillinger fra Meddelelser og datapanel:

Hvis indstillingen timing er aktiveret, kan Timingsstatistik tilgås fra værktøjslinjen Svar og statistik:


En tabel med tidspunkterne for hvert svar vil blive vist:

Som det kan ses, er kolonnerne lavet af en "Action" kolonne og sorterbare kolonner (ID, Samlet tid, gruppe og spørgetid).


Kolonnen "Handling" indeholder følgende svarrelaterede muligheder:

  • Se svardetaljer: Klik på denne knap for at kontrollere svaret indsendt af en respondent. Panelet giver dig mulighed for at redigere svarposten, slette posten eller eksportere den
  • Rediger dette svar: For at redigere svaret indsendt af en respondent, klik på den grønne blyantknap
  • Slet dette svar: klik på den røde papirkurvsknap, hvis du ønsker at slette svaret fra din svartabel.


The ID refers to the response ID, while the rest of the columns express the time a respondent spent on a group or question. The value is expressed in seconds.

The time statistics are stored in the response table! Therefore, if you wish to analyse the time-related data, export it and save it to your machine. Then, you can further analyse it with the help of a spreadsheet software or a specialized software in data analysis.

In the case in which you use to display more responses on the same page, change the default value of 10, and go for a larger value:

Interview time

Two statistics are automatically calculated for all the stored complete responses:

  • Average interview time
  • Median

Frequently asked questions

If I go back to edit one of my previous responses, is the time getting aggregated?

Yes, the time gets aggregated (visit 1 + visit 2...).

If survey attribute "backward navigation" is enabled, you can go to one of your previous answers and correct the response. The "timings" work in background, counting how much time you spent on each survey page, aggregating the results from each visit.



Let's assume that you have already reached Question 5 (Q5) and you want to edit your response to Question 1 (Q1). Click "Previous" till you reach Q1. The time spent on the page where Q1 is located gets aggregated with the time spent when you first answered the question. By going back and forth, the "times" spent on Q2, Q3, and Q4 also increase.

In case you are unhappy with this behavior, you may allow users to "jump" backwards via the index feature of LimeSurvey.