

All translations

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Found 14 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Bulgarian (bg)==Списък с приставки на трети страни==
 h Danish (da)==Liste over tredjepartsplugins==
 h German (de)==Liste der Drittanbieter-Plugins==
 h English (en)==List of Third-Party Plugins==
 h Spanish (es)==Lista de complementos de terceros==
 h French (fr)==Liste des plugins tiers==
 h Hungarian (hu)==Harmadik fél beépülő moduljainak listája==
 h Italian (it)==Elenco di plugin di terze parti==
 h Japanese (ja)==サードパーティのプラグイン一覧==
 h Dutch (nl)==Lijst met plugins van derden==
 h Polish (pl)==Lista wtyczek innych firm==
 h Romanian (ro)==Lista de pluginuri terțe==
 h Slovenian (sl)==Seznam vtičnikov tretjih oseb==
 h Vietnamese (vi)==Danh sách plugin của bên thứ ba==