

All translations

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Found 16 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Bulgarian (bg)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] За да получите достъп до най-новите софтуерни разработки, [ ни последвайте в GitHub].</div>
 h Danish (da)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] For at få adgang til den seneste softwareudvikling, [ følg os på GitHub].</div>
 h German (de)<div class="simplebox"> [[File: help.png]] Um Zugang zu den neuesten Softwareentwicklungen zu erhalten, [ folgen Sie uns auf GitHub]. </div>
 h English (en)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] To get access to the latest software developments, [ follow us on GitHub].</div>
 h Spanish (es)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Para obtener acceso a los últimos desarrollos de software, [ síganos en GitHub].</div>
 h French (fr)<div class="simplebox"> [[File: help.png]] Pour avoir accès aux derniers développements logiciels, [ suivez-nous sur GitHub]. </div>
 h Hungarian (hu)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] A legújabb szoftverfejlesztésekhez való hozzáféréshez [ kövessen minket a GitHubon].</div>
 h Italian (it)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Per accedere agli ultimi sviluppi del software, [ seguici su GitHub].</div>
 h Japanese (ja)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] 最新のソフトウェア開発にアクセスするには、[ GitHubで私たちをフォロー]してください。</div>
 h Korean (ko)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] 최신 소프트웨어 개발에 액세스하려면 [ GitHub에서 우리를 팔로우하세요].</div>
 h Dutch (nl)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Als je de allerlaatste ontwikkelingen wilt volgen, volg ons dan op [ GitHub].</div>
 h Polish (pl)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Aby uzyskać dostęp do najnowszych osiągnięć oprogramowania, [ śledź nas na GitHub].</div>
 h Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Para ter acesso aos mais recentes desenvolvimentos de software, [ siga-nos no GitHub].</div>
 h Romanian (ro)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Pentru a avea acces la cele mai recente dezvoltări software, [, urmăriți-ne pe GitHub].</div>
 h Slovenian (sl)<div class="simplebox">[[Datoteka:help.png]] Za dostop do najnovejšega razvoja programske opreme [ nas spremljajte na GitHubu].</div>
 h Vietnamese (vi)<div class="simplebox">[[File:help.png]] Để có quyền truy cập vào những phát triển phần mềm mới nhất, [ hãy theo dõi chúng tôi trên GitHub].</div>