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Found 14 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Bulgarian (bg)За '''comment''' и '''other''' съответните кодове на въпроса са съответно QuestionCode_comment и QuestionCode_other.
 h Danish (da)For '''kommentar''' og '''andet''' er de tilsvarende spørgsmålskoder henholdsvis QuestionCode_comment og QuestionCode_other.
 h German (de)Für „Kommentar“ und „Sonstiges“ lauten die entsprechenden Fragecodes QuestionCode_comment bzw. QuestionCode_other.
 h English (en)For '''comment''' and '''other''', the corresponding question codes are QuestionCode_comment and QuestionCode_other, respectively.
 h Spanish (es)Para '''comentario''' y '''otro''', los códigos de pregunta correspondientes son QuestionCode_comment y QuestionCode_other, respectivamente.
 h French (fr)Pour '''commentaire''' et '''autre''', les codes de question correspondants sont respectivement QuestionCode_comment et QuestionCode_other.
 h Hungarian (hu)A '''comment''' és az '''other''' kérdésekhez a megfelelő kérdéskódok QuestionCode_comment és QuestionCode_other.
 h Italian (it)Per '''comment''' e '''other''', i corrispondenti codici di domanda sono rispettivamente QuestionCode_comment e QuestionCode_other.
 h Japanese (ja)'''comment'''と'''other'''の場合、対応する質問コードはそれぞれQuestionCode_comment、QuestionCode_otherです。
 h Dutch (nl)Voor '''commentaar''' en '''anders''' zijn de overeenkomende vraagcodes resp. VraagCode_comment en VraagCode_other.
 h Polish (pl)W przypadku „komentarza” i „innego” odpowiednimi kodami pytań są odpowiednio: „QuestionCode_comment” i „QuestionCode_other”.
 h Romanian (ro)Pentru '''comment''' și '''other''', codurile de întrebare corespunzătoare sunt QuestionCode_comment și, respectiv, QuestionCode_other.
 h Slovenian (sl)Za '''komentar''' in '''drugo''' sta ustrezni kodi vprašanja QuestionCode_comment oziroma QuestionCode_other.
 h Vietnamese (vi)Đối với '''comment''' và ''other''', mã câu hỏi tương ứng lần lượt là Câu hỏiCode_comment và Câu hỏiCode_other.