

Language statistics

This page shows translation statistics for all message groups for a language.

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Translation statistics for Spanish (recent translations).

Message group Messages Untranslated Completion Reviewed Outdated
Check data integrity 13 6 53% 0% 16%
ComfortUpdate 25 2 92% 0% 4%
Custom translation 18 18 0% 0% 0%
Expression Manager 204 2 99% 0% 1%
ExpressionScript - Presentation 136 3 97% 0% 3%
Extension compatibility 11 11 0% 0% 0%
Global settings 43 4 90% 0% 5%
How to design a good survey (guide) 169 1 99% 0% 1%
Installation of the LimeSurvey XAMPP package 8 1 87% 0% 13%
Installation Version 1.92 or older 44 2 95% 0% 5%
Label sets 108 1 99% 0% 1%
LimeSurvey Manual 259 1 99% 0% 0%
Major version upgrade 15 1 93% 0% 7%
Manage user groups 50 1 98% 0% 2%
Manage users 96 11 88% 0% 2%
Not categorized and advanced features 2 1 50% 0% 50%
Optional settings 105 3 97% 9% 2%
Plugins - advanced 132 10 92% 0% 1%
QS:Choice header 7 1 85% 0% 0%
Quick-translation 21 2 90% 0% 5%
TwoFactorAdminLogin 59 59 0% 0% 0%
URL fields 42 1 97% 0% 0%
All message groups together 1,567 142 90% 0% 2%