

QS: Skyderens nøjagtighed

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 12:40, 28 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Sliders nøjagtighed (slider_accuracy)===")

Sliders nøjagtighed (slider_accuracy)


If the slider_layout is enabled, this question attribute sets the slider's step value. The Expression Manager can also be used (without curly brackets). However, please note that this value has to be calculated before the expression is displayed. For example, no custom value is used if the expression and the question and/or question answer codes used within the respective expression are displayed on the same page. If this happens, then the question attribute will use the default value which is 1.

  Attention : Please note that if the expression typed within the box contains an error, a logic error will be displayed to the user below the question.

Valid values

  • Any positive numerical value
  • Expressions, without curly brackets.