
Kezdőlap beállításai

From LimeSurvey Manual

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The home page settings page allows users to customize their home page: Configuration-> Settings -> Home page settings

Besides editing home page settings, new boxes (for different user groups) can be created to facilitate the management of your LimeSurvey installation.

Home page settings

The following home page settings are available:

  • Display logo: If it is turned 'Off', the logo situated above the boxes disappears (the default value is 'On')
  • Show last visited survey and question: Turned 'On' by default. It shows the last visited question and survey, the bar being located between the logo and the boxes
  • Show survey list: The default value is 'Off'. If you switch it to 'On', a survey list will appear below the boxes from the home page
  • Show search box on survey list: If it is ticked 'Off', the search box will not be shown in the survey list. Please note that this option does not have any effect on your home page if the Show survey list option is not turned on
  • Wrap container around Boxes (New in 3.0 ): If it is turned 'On', the container around each box gets smaller (useful function when more boxes are added to your home page)
  • Boxes by row: The number of boxes you would like to have on each row. The default number is '3'
  • Box offset (Obsolete since 3.0): Box offset is a function that helps users center the boxes. For example, if you use 15 boxes, you can use the box offset function in order to better arrange them into your home page. This function does not exist anymore in LimeSurvey 3.0 (and the later versions) because the boxes are automatically centered
  • Box orientation (New in 3.0 ): Three options are available: left to right, right to left, centered

Click Save boxes settings once you are done. If everything is turned on, the home page should look like this:


The LimeSurvey installation comes by default with six boxes created: Create survey, List survey, Global settings, ComfortUpdate, Label sets and Templates. They can be either edited (the green pen button) or deleted (the red trash button):

Create/Edit a box

To add a new box into the Boxes table, click Create a new box, located in the upper part of the screen:


Different fields have to be filled in:

  • Position: shows the box position (it is a numerical value)
  • Destination URL: the link via which the respective option/function is accessed. For example, the destination URL to backup the entire database is admin/dumpdb
  • Title: name of the box
  • Icon: allows the user to select one of the LimeSurvey predefined icons
  • Description: short description of the purpose of the box
  • Display this box to: allows you to choose who can see the respective box
    • Only admin : only the super administrator of the LimeSurvey installation can see those respective boxes
    • Everybody : everyone who logs in the LimeSurvey installation can see those respective boxes, i.e. survey users defined in the User Control panel
    • Nobody : nobody can see those boxes. It can be used when you would like to hide boxes from a specific user group for example
    • Other user groups : a certain user group is allowed to see those boxes. To find out more about user groups, read our wiki on how to manage them

Once done, click the Save button that is located in the upper right part of the screen.

The fields of a box can be edited later by clicking on the green pen button located in the last column of the Boxes table.
Check the example provided below to better understand this functionality.

Reset to the default settings

If you want to reverse the changes that you made, click the Reset to default boxes button, located on the upper right side of the window. This would restore the default boxes.


I want to create a new box

  • Access Home page settings from the Configuration dialog.
  • Click Create new box, located in the upper right part of the window.
  • Enter the requested information
The destination URL can be found in the address bar. In this example, the URL leads to the General settings of a survey:

  • Save the box and access the home page of your LimeSurvey installation.
  • Click the newly created box and check whether it is working or not (if not, recheck its destionation URL):