
Umfragen erstellen - Einführung

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 23:25, 2 May 2013 by C schmitz (talk | contribs) (Text replace - "ä" to "ä")

Video tutorials

There are a number of tutorial videos for LimeSurvey out there. This is a list of the ones we think that are the best. You are welcome to create a new tutorial and add it here.

Sample Surveys

One easy way to learn LimeSurvey is to experiment with working surveys.  Here are a dozen surveys that demonstrate all of the key features, including the new (1.92+ and above) Expression Manager-based functionality for relevance-based navigation/branching; tailoring/piping/reporting; and validation.

We also provide How To and Examples pages to help orient users to Expression Manager.

Simply import those surveys into your installation (or into the public LimeSurvey demo), and test the survey.  One of the easiest ways to review the survey logic is via the new Show Survey Logic feature.

Basic survey elements

Eine Umfrage in LimeSurvey besteht aus 3 grundlegenden und unverzichtbaren Elementen:

  • einem Namen der Umfrage
  • zumindest einer Fragengruppe
  • zumindest einer Frage

Folgende Elemente sind optional:

  • veränderbare Beschriftungen
  • Bedingungen, ob eine Frage angezeigt/abgefragt werden soll oder nicht
  • Fragenvorlagen

Survey name

Beim Namen der Umfrage werden auch noch weitere Einstellungen, welche die gesamte Umfrage betreffen festgelegt. Zu diesen gehören die Willkommensmeldung, die Beschreibung der Umfrage, Kontaktdaten zum Administrator der Umfrage, in welchem Format die Umfrage erscheint und ähnliches.

Question Groups

A survey requires each question to be a member of a group (and only that group).  Depending on the number of questions in the survey, Groups can be used to define logical sections, common subject themes, or possibly pages on the screen. A group can have questions about a similar subject or simply be setup as a manageable number of questions.

This whole chapter deals with question groups. Do not confuse a question group with a user group.  Each is very different and used in different ways, based on the object being grouped.

Jede Umfrage teilt die Fragen in Gruppen auf. Hiermit lassen sich Umfragen nach logischen Bedingungen durchorganisieren.

Jede Gruppe benötigt verpflichtend einen Namen und optional eine Beschreibung.


Die verschiedenen Fragetypen, welche derzeit mit LimeSurvey möglich sind, findet man hier: Question types (in Englisch)

Jeder Umfrage muss zumindest eine Gruppe angehören, auch wenn die Fragen nicht in Gruppen unterteilt sein sollen.

Der Hauptbestandteil einer Umfrage sind natürlich die Fragen selber. Diese müssen wie oben erwähnt in Gruppen gepackt sein. Es gibt von technischer Seite her keine Vorgaben (Höchstzahl), wie viele Fragen eine Umfrage oder wie viele Fragen eine Gruppe enthalten darf.

Die Frage beinhaltet die Frage an sich sowie weitere Einstellungen über die Frage.

Zu jeder Frage kann ein (kleiner) Hilfetext verfasst werden und ob die Frage verpflichtend beantwortet werden muss oder nicht. Dies wird jedoch LimeSurvey automatisch tun, falls bei Erstellung oder Bearbeitung der Frage die Option "Pflichtangabe" auf "Ja" gesetzt wird.

Questions are the core of your survey. There is no real limit to the number of questions you can have in your survey or in a group. Questions include the actual question text as well as settings that determine what form of answer you will accept. You can also specify a short 'help' explanation for each question and determine whether the question is mandatory (that is, must be answered) or optional.  For more details check the question types section.

Basics of navigating the survey administrative interface

The LimeSurvey tool presents horizontal tool bars to the survey creator in their web browser.  These toolbars are the header of a window allowing interaction.

Administrative Tool Bar

The top toolbar is usually the Administrative Tool Bar providing top level, global actions.  One of the key items there is the drop down list of surveys along with a Create New (Survey) button; if available and enabled for your login account.  Both are on the right side of the toolbar.


Want to know more about a particular icon button in a tool bar?  Hover over the icon to see its name or click on the Help button in the Administrative Tool Bar to see a description of icons in the currently active toolbar.

If the Administrative Tool Bar does not appear to be on top, click the home button to get back to it.  The Labelset and Template editors, available in this tool bar, are the only ones that can replace the Administrative Tool Bar.

By clicking the Create New (Survey) button or selecting an existing survey, you minimize the Administrative window and open a new tool bar below to manage the Survey.


Survey Tool Bar

Similar to before, one can click on the drop down list of question Groups or on the Create New (Group) button on the Survey toolbar.  Either selection will bring up the question Group toolbar below the Survey toolbar.


Group Tool Bar

In the Question Group, you can click on the drop down list of Questions or click the Create New (Question) button to add a fourth toolbar to now edit a Question.


Common Buttons

In these nested toolbars are some common, navigational buttons.  There is an Edit button to edit the object you selected.  By default, you will be put in the editor if you create the object.  There is a Delete button to delete the object.  For Groups and Questions, there is a Reorder button to change the order the object appears in during the survey execution.  Finally, there is an Export button to export a survey, question group or question that you can import back into another survey.  Note that the Create button also allows you to import a previously exported object.


Finally, there are two to three small buttons to the far right to minimize, maximize, and close the window of a toolbar.  The maximize button will take you back to the summary window of the currently selected object.

As seems natural, the window of the current toolbar is automatically minimized when you select a lower level object to edit.  Only the current toolbar and its window can be closed.  You can open a previous toolbar and window by clicking on its maximize button.  And you can jump around by selecting or creating a new object in another toolbar without having to close the currently open window first.

We will discuss navigating through a survey itself later on in the section on testing the survey.

Creating a new survey

Now that we have some basics down, lets move on and create our first survey. When doing so, we first have to define the basic survey settings.