

Translations:Quick start guide - LimeSurvey 3.0+/34/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 19:15, 5 October 2018 by FuzzyBot (talk | contribs) (Importing a new version from external source)
  • Tutorials: If you click on this option, you will get access to the in-built LimeSurvey tutorials. For example, one tutorial that can be accessed from any LimeSurvey 3+ installation is "Beginner Tour".
  • Configuration: Once selected, a dialog will show up from where you can administrate your LimeSurvey installation.
    • Settings: Under this tab, you may find options that can help you customize your LimeSurvey installation.
      • Home page settings: Users can use this option to tweak the settings of the home page according to their needs;
      • Global settings: The changes done here affect the entire LimeSurvey installation, influencing also the setting of non-superadministrator users for all users;
      • Plugin manager: It allows every user to activate a series of plugins that are supported by the LimeSurvey team. New plugins can also be added to your installation.
    • Users: Under this tab you may find options related to the management of he users and survey participants.
      • Manage survey administrators: New administration users can be added from here;
      • Create/edit user groups: This function is meant to group administration users in individual groups;
      • Central participant database: It permits every administrator to store the participants' information to a central table/database that is independent of any table with survey participants.
    • Advanced settings: It includes options that are non user- or survey settings-related. They can be used to enhance your LimeSurvey installation.
      • Theme editor: Click on the following option if you would like to add/edit/delete survey themes, admin themes, or question themes. The themes allow control over the look and feel of pages of your survey or of your LimeSurvey GUI;
      • Manage label sets: Label sets are basically list templates where each list has a set of codes with labels and it can be used in most question types either as answers or as subquestions;
      • Check data integrity: It checks the consistency and the redundancy of the data;
      • Backup entire database: It is used to backup the LimeSurvey data when important LimeSurvey upgrades are pushed or when you move your LimeSurvey installation to another server;
      • ComfortUpdate: It is a tool utilized to easily update your LimeSurvey installation from your web browser with just a few mouse clicks (instead of performing a manual LimeSurvey reinstallation).
  • Surveys: A survey includes via different interconnected databases: languages, question groups, questions, question attributes, answers, subquestions, default answers, assessments, quotas, quota members, and quota language settings. By clicking on the green arrow, a window with the following options will load up:
    • Create a new survey: New surveys can be created and added to the surveys list;
    • Import a new survey: If you want to import a survey to your list of surveys, use this function;
    • Copy a survey: It allows the user to quickly copy a survey. This will appear in the surveys list from where it can be edited;
    • List surveys: It allows you you to get an overview on all the existing surveys.
  • Response balance: It shows the number of responses left from your subscription. Because you have access only to a free account at the moment, 25 responses per month are available to you. If you run out of responses, purchase more from the following link;
  • Storage: it represents the amount of MBs that are at your disposal to store your surveys and answers. Because you created a free account, you get 10 MB storage space. If you would like to receive more storage space, choose one of the following paid options from here;
  • Username: By clicking on it, you can either access your user preferences or sign out from your account;
  • Notifications: It is represented by the green bell - different notification related to your LimeSurvey installation will be displayed here.