

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 17:20, 2 April 2020 by C schmitz (talk | contribs) (Imported translation using page migration)







  1. 相关性 - 支持强大的条件逻辑;
  2. Piping / Tailoring - 提供管道或定制答案和问题元数据的能力;
  3. 动态裁缝 - 请注意,当您回答问题时,页面上的报告会发生变化。
  4. 'Micro-Tailoring - 使用if()语句对句子和报告进行条件剪裁
  5. 方程式 - 一个新的问题类型,它允许您进行计算并将结果存储在数据库中,即使计算被隐藏
  6. 条件验证 - 验证诸如最小允许值之类的标准可以是有条件的 - 例如,基于等式。





在内部级别隐藏|方程式问题,将数据转换为公制(如果需要),将公制高度、权重、BMI和权重状态存储在数据库中,而无需自定义JavaScript 。









It demonstrates how group-level relevance can make it easier to implement a "loop" of questions. After creating the group for Person 1, I exported the group. Since I used qcode variable names like p1_name instead of the SGQA code, I could use a text editor to quickly edit and re-import the group several times (e.g., it took about 10 seconds to edit and re-import each repeating group, ensuring that all variables had unique variables names and that the group-level logic was correct).




  1. 群组级别相关性 - 后续群组(人员1-5)仅显示指定的同居者数量;
  2. 裁剪 - 最终报告总结每个同居者的人口统计数据;
  3. 渐进式问题显示 - 无论是分组还是一体化模式,后续问题只会在前面的问题得到解答后立即显示。








该调查基于Joy Lane Research,LLC提供的调查设计。



  • Q02仅显示在Q01中检查的产品组(通过使用array_filter)
  • Q02还显示“另一产品”,文本输入到Q01中的“其他电子”字段
  • Q04仅显示已检查的Q02产品(因此阵列滤波器级联)
  • Q05仅显示Q02中未在Q02中检查的产品(使用级联array_filter_exclude)


点击以下链接下载上述示例:LS2_cascading_array_filter survey example




对于此示例,我们建议在编辑此调查时关闭内置HTML编辑器(或将其转换为弹出模式)。 HTML编辑器可能需要一分钟或更长时间才能在编辑模式下呈现大型HTML报告。


  • 每个问题类型的示例
  • 包含所有可以使用“其他”的问题类型,以便你可以看到它如何影响变量命名
  • 接受默认值的所有问题类型的默认值
  • 裁剪- 显示所有16个可用EM点符号后缀的页面外和页面外报告。
  • 这些报告显示所有当前输入的数据(因此,向你展示如何为用户生成自己的可打印报告,而不是打印 - 答案屏幕)
  • 正确的Qcode和SGQA命名所有变量









  1. min_num_value_n - minimum value for an answer
  2. max_num_value_n - max value for an answer
  3. min_answers - minimum number of answers required
  4. max_answers maximum number of answers allowed
  5. multiflexible_min - minimum value allowed for an answer (for multiflexi numbers question type)
  6. multiflexible_max - maximum value allowed for an answer (for multiflexi numbers question type)
  7. min_num_value - minimum allowed sum across all answers for the question
  8. max_num_value - maximum allowed sum across all answers for the question
  9. equals_num_value - the sum across all answers for the question must equal this value
  10. validation - this is the regular expression validation for the question - it can apply to individual cells


Using new CSS styles, each validation type shows up a separate tip. If they are shown, they can be hidden via the hide_tip option. The default option is to show them with red font if the question fails the validation criteria, and green if it passes them:

A user cannot submit a page with validation errors. He will be immediately warned if he entered wrong information:

Validation can be applied to individual cells within an array, such as in this example where regular expression validations ensure that each entry is a properly formatted US phone number including area code.


To download the above example, click on the following link:

Validation Equations


Sometimes you need custom validation that cannot be achieved using the traditional min/max criteria. For this, you will need to use the em_validation_q and em_validation_sq options which let you construct complex validation equations at the question and subquestion level, respectively.

At the subquestion level, we also introduce the "this" variable to make it easy to validate each cell in an array without needing to know its variable name. For more details about it, click here.

EM Features Demonstrated

  1. em_validation_q - this is an equation that determines whether the whole question is valid
  2. em_validation_q_tip - this is the message to show if the question fails em_validation_q criteria
  3. em_validation_sq - this is the equation that determines whether each subquestion (array cell) is valid
  4. em_validation_sq_tip - this is the message to show if any of the subquestions is invalid.

In general, when em_validation_sq is used, if any cell is invalid, the background color for that cell turns red to indicate that there is an error.


This question ensures that you enter the ages of your children in descending order by applying this validation equation:

q1_sq1 >= q1_sq2 && q1_sq2 >= q1_sq3 && q1_sq3 >= q1_sq4

In the below example, the validation ensures that no more than 3 questions are answered on any given row by applying this validation equation:

(sum(Test_A_1, Test_A_2, Test_A_3, Test_A_4, Test_A_5) <= 3) && (sum(Test_B_1, Test_B_2, Test_B_3, Test_B_4, Test_B_5) <= 3) && (sum(Test_C_1, Test_C_2, Test_C_3, Test_C_4, Test_C_5) <= 3)

You can also write this as follows, LimeSurvey automatically converting it at run-time to the above-listed expression.

(sum(self.sq_A) <= 3) && (sum(self.sq_B) <= 3) && (sum(self.sq_C) <= 3)


To download the survey sample used in the above examples, click on the following link: ls2_test_em_sq_validation.lss.

Subquestion relevance


This shows how array_filter and validation criteria can interact. For validations that apply to sums, only relevant (visible) values are considered.

EM Features Demonstrated

  1. array_filter
  2. array_filter_exclude
  3. min_num_value
  4. max_num_value
  5. equals_num_value

It also shows dynamic reporting of the numbers of questions answered in the core questions.


Changing the number of visible rows dynamically changes the sum. Marking a subquestion as being irrelevant doesn't clear its value. Rather, if it is irrelevant, its values don't contribute to any equation.

Note what happens when we check the "Fifth subquestion" for the first question "Which rows should appear below". Note that the sum for the second "Enter some numbers" question is now 5. Even though subquestion 5 for that question still has the value 14 (e.g., if you un-check the fifth subquestion, you will see the value of 14 again), that value does not contribute to the sum since it is currently irrelevant. All irrelevant data is cleared (NULLed in the database) on submit, but it stays available on the page in case users want or need to change their minds about answers.


To download our example, click here: ls2_subquestion_relevance.lss.

Using Comma as Radix Separator (Decimal Point)


The ExpressionScript ensures that only valid numbers can be entered into numeric fields. If you enter an invalid number, you will be warned that something is wrong (e.g., in the case of the fruity theme, the whole question is "red-ed").

Note that the numeric values are always converted to using a period as the radix separator within the database. In this way, the statistical analyses will work appropriately.

To change the radix separator, access the Text elements options located under the Settings tab, and look for the decimal mark functionality.

For more information on what a radix separator is, click [

Question Types Using Radix Separator

  1. Numerical input [N]
  2. Multiple numerical input [K]
  3. Array (Numbers) [:]
  4. Array (Texts) [;], when using the numbers_only attribute
  5. List (radio) [L], when using the other_numbers_only attribute
  6. Short free text [S], when using the numbers_only attribute
  7. Multiple short text [Q], when using the numbers_only attribute
  8. Multiple choice [M], when using the other_numbers_only attribute
  9. Multiple choice with comments [P], when using the other_numbers_only attribute


You may note in the below screenshots that comma can be used as a radix separator.


To download the above example, click on the following link: ls2_comma_as_radix_separator.lss.

Randomization Groups


This survey demonstrates how to make use of the random_group attribute.

If this attribute is used, each time you start the survey, the question order is randomized. However, once the survey is started, the randomization order remains fixed, even if you change languages.


Let's check together the below example. The first random question on the page will either be Q1 , Q4, or Q7. The second randomized question on the page will either be Q2, Q5, or Q8.

Here is the randomization generated the first time I tested this survey.

A different randomization was generated the second time I tested the survey.

But, when I switched to French (without re-starting the survey), the randomization order remained intact.


To download the above example, click on the following link: Randomization_Group_Test.lss

Randomly Ask One Question Per Group


This survey shows how you can configure a survey to randomly display one question per group. In it, there are 5 groups of 6 questions each. At the outset, in Group 0, five hidden Equation questions, called ask1-ask5, are populated. Each one has the value of {floor(rand(1,6.9999))} in the question text field, which means that the variables ask1-ask5 will each have a value between 1 and 6. Then, each question in the group has a relevance equation like "ask1==N" where N is the Nth question in the group (so the third question in group 1 has the relevance equation  "ask1==3").

This survey works equally well in survey-at-a-time, group-by-group, and question-by-question modes. Since the randomization is set in the first group, and that group is effectively hidden (since all of the ask1-ask5 questions are hidden), the randomization stays the same for the subject; but each different subject will have a distinct randomization.

Features Demonstrated

  1. Equation question type
  2. Randomization functions
  3. Conditional (if) function


This is Group0, which uses the Equation question type to select random values from 1 to 6 for each group (except the last group, which has only 4 questions).  Note that the "if()" function first checks whether ask1 has already been set, and if so, uses that value. If the value hasn't been set, then it uses a random value to set the value of ask1.

This Group shows how the variable (ask4) from Group0 is used to control which question is visible within the fourth group.


To download the above survey example, click here: Random questions within a group survey example.

Randomly Ask A Specific Number Of Questions In A Group (a subset of the questions)

  This applies only to all random questions from one group and only if the Group by group or All in one format is used.


This survey shows how to ask a random subset of questions in a group. For example, show 5 random questions out of 10 questions located within a group.

The survey has one group containing 10 questions. All questions are assigned the same randomization group name. As a result, they will be displayed in a random order on page load. Each question is given a relevance equation that the sum of the "relevanceStatus" of all other questions in the group is less than the number of questions you want to show. Since relevanceStatus is assigned as questions are rendered, this effectively totals the number of preceding questions.

So, in our 5 out of 10 example, the equation for Q1 would be:

sum(Q2.relevanceStatus, Q3.relevanceStatus, Q4.relevanceStatus, Q5.relevanceStatus, Q6.relevanceStatus, Q7.relevanceStatus, Q8.relevanceStatus, Q9.relevanceStatus, Q10.relevanceStatus) LT 5

For Q2, it would be:

sum(Q1.relevanceStatus, Q3.relevanceStatus, Q4.relevanceStatus, Q5.relevanceStatus, Q6.relevanceStatus, Q7.relevanceStatus, Q8.relevanceStatus, Q9.relevanceStatus, Q10.relevanceStatus) LT 5

And so on...

Features Demonstrated

  1. relevanceStatus variable
  2. Randomizing


To download the above example, click on the following link: Random 5 out of 10 survey example.

Rating User-Entered List of Products


The below example shows how you can ask users to list a set of products that interest them, and then have them rate those products.

EM Features Demonstrated

  1. Tailoring answers - when rating products, the labels come from the comment field of the preceding multiple choice question
  2. Tailoring scales - many advanced questions options, like scale headings, can also be tailored.


This image shows that even though only products 1,3, and 5 were selected, only those 3 are displayed (using the array_filter attribute). Moreover, the row labels in the second question are either the product numbers (if nothing is entered into the comment field) or the contents of the comment fields.

This image shows how the tailored answers are specified:

Here is the Show Logic File for that question, which lets us verify that the conditional logic works as desired (e.g., to see whether there are any syntax errors):

The next image shows a group in which you specify a 5 point rating scale (Options 1-5), the title of the scale, and the products you want to rate. The final question shows that each of the parts of the array question can be tailored:

The next image shows the logic file view of the last question. As you can observe, the subquestions, answers, and scale headers can be tailored.


To download the survey example from above, click on the following link: Rating user-entered list of products survey example.