
LimeStore extension development

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 18:13, 14 January 2019 by Olle (talk | contribs) (→‎After upload)

This page describes how you as a third-party developer can create and publish extensions for LimeSurvey, available for purchase or free download in the LimeSurvey LimeStore.


What is the LimeStore


How do I become a third-party developer?

Apply at us, sign documents, give banking details/PayPal account for transactions, etc.


Adding an extension to the LimeStore

First, you have to be approved as a LimeStore extension vendor. See above.

The extension has to be zipped correctly, with a proper config.xml file. See below.

config.xml specification

All LimeSurvey extensions include a config.xml file with specifies author, version, type, and so on. Without this file, LimeSurvey won't be able to properly install the extension.

Metadata tags descriptions
Tag Type Mandatory Description
name string x The name of the extension
type string x Type of the extension; can be "plugin", "theme", TODO
creationDate date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date the extension was created
lastUpdate date (YYYY-MM-DD) Date of the latest update
author string x Plugin author
authorUrl url x URL to author web page, necessary so that customers can contact author for support
version string as semantic version x Extension version number
lastSecurityUpdate string as semantic version Last version that included a security update
license string Extension licence
description CDATA Short description of extension, visible in the LimeSurvey extension manager

Plugin example

        <author>Olle Haerstedt</author>
        <license>GNU General Public License version 2 or later</license>
        <description><![CDATA[Edit multiple relevance equations in one page.]]></description>

Theme example


After upload

When an extension has been uploaded, it has to be approved by the LimeSurvey GmbH team. The workflow is as below.


LimeStore extension upload workflow description
State Description
Processing Waiting for scripts to finish
Process failed Internal system error, or other error like lacking config.xml file in ZIP archive
In review Waiting for manual approval of LimeSurvey GmbH member
Disapproved The extension was for some reason not approved by the team
Approved The extension has been approved and is now available for download or purchase in the LimeStore
Disabled Manually disabled by the third-party developer (not LimeSurvey GmbH)