
Change question order/ja

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 00:21, 13 April 2013 by C schmitz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "グループ内での質問の順序を変更するには、グループボタンバーの「質問の順序を変更」ボタン File:reorder.png を押します。(こ...")

グループ内での質問の順序を変更するには、グループボタンバーの「質問の順序を変更」ボタン を押します。(このボタンはグループ内に質問が2つ以上ある時だけ表示されます。)

If you have a survey with more than one question in a group, the questions are displayed according to this question order. You can change this order by simply click on the 'Up' and 'Down'-buttons.

If you set conditions on question the particular condition might prevent re-ordering a question before/after another question. In that case you will have to delete/change that condition first.

Starting in Version 1.92:  You can always re-order questions and groups, even if there are conditions.  You don't need to delete conditions. This is because Expression Manager converts any conditions you enter via the Conditions Editor into a Relevance Equation, and is able to detect whether you have used any variables before declaring them (such as via the Show Logic File button)