
インストール - LimeSurvey CE

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 02:08, 12 April 2013 by C schmitz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===9. うまくいかない時は…===")


Note: These installation instructions are for version 2.0 or later. Older instructions for 1.92 can be found here here


The LimeSurvey project offers two ways of installating LimeSurvey:

  • On your webserver:

+In that case just follow the instructions on this page starting with step 1.

  • On your local Windows PC:

+You usually only want to install LimeSurvey on your local PC if you want to create surveys locally (mainly for speed or test reasons) and upload them later to your live LimeSurvey installation on a web server. For this we have prepared a special package for LimeSurvey which includes the web server, the database and the LimeSurvey application and instructions how to install it.

1. LimeSurveyの利用環境



  • ディスク容量(プログラム格納用:9MB程度)
  • PHP 4.3.2 以降
  • MySQL 4.1.0 以降
  • mbstring(マルチバイト文字列機能)拡張ライブラリがPHPにインストールされていること。(日本語環境では必須。インストールについてのよくある質問も参照してください。)
Please note that LimeSurvey 2.x uses different database drivers than 1.x . If you get a message not No DBO driver was found during the installation you will have to contact your webspace provider and ask them to activate one of the aforementioned database driver libraries.



If you want to try LimeSurvey on your local machine we recommend XAMPP which is an easy to install software package containing a complete web server with Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. LimeSurvey will run on XAMPP with no configuration needed.

If you want to run Microsoft's IIS server take a look at "Installation of LimeSurvey on a Windows XP machine" and "Installation on XP with IIS".

1.1 Hosting for LimeSurvey

LimeSurvey should work with most hosting companies which provide PHP and MYSQL. If you want a ready-installed version of LimeSurvey consider using LimeService, else check out our list of LimeSurvey-compatible hosting companies.

2. LimeSurveyをダウンロードする



3. LimeSurveyのパッケージを解凍する



  • このプログラムはアンケートをインポートする際にadminディレクトリへの書込権限が必要となります。またアップロードには"/limesurvey/tmp" ディレクトリが利用されるので、これらのディレクトリにはウェブサーバから読み書きできる必要があります。Linux, Unixではchmod 775の設定が必要です。
  • その他のディレクトリは読取専用、Linux/Unixではchmod 755の設定で結構です。また、/limesurvey/admin ディレクトリの中の各ファイルを755に設定するのも一案です。

4. サーバの情報を集める


  • プログラムを置くWebサイトのURL(例: '')
  • プログラムを置くサーバ内の物理的なロケーション (例: '/home/usr/htdocs/limesurvey')
  • MySQLデータベースサーバのIPアドレスまたはホスト名 (例: 'localhost')
  • MySQLデータベースサーバが標準以外のポートを利用している場合、そのポート番号
  • MySQLを利用する際のユーザ名とパスワード
  • サーバにWindows OSを用いている場合は、mysqlのバイナリファイルの位置 (例: 'c:/mysql/bin')

5. LimeSurveyを設定する

/limesurvey/ フォルダにある config.php ファイルを、お好みのテキストエディタで編集します。

7.1 Set Directory permissions

For the script to work properly it needs certain access to some directories - this applies especially to Linux/*nix systems.

  • The "/limesurvey/tmp" directory and all its subdirectories and files are used for imports & uploads and should be set to Read & Write for your webserver.
  • The "/limesurvey/upload/" directory and all its subdirectories and files must also have Read & Write for your webserver in order to enable picture and media files upload.
  • The "/limesurvey/application/config/" directory also needs Read & Write permissions for your webserver.
  • The other directories can be set to Read Only or in Linux/Unix. You may wish to set the permissions on each file within the /limesurvey/admin directory to Read Only.
Hint: If you are using Linux then depending on your webserver configuration you will have to chmod the rights on the writable folders to 755 or 777. Try 755 first - if it does not work 'upgrade' to 777.

7.2 Create a database user

LimeSurvey will create a database and the tables inside it. To be able to do this it will need the username and password of a database user. In general we recommend to create a database user with the following permissions:



- Microsoft SQL Server:

8. 管理プログラムに初回の接続を行う

ファイルのアップロードが終わったら、ブラウザからLimeSurveyの設定を行います。ブラウザを開いて、admin.phpのURLを入力します。プログラムを格納するディレクトリ名を 'limesurvey’ とした場合、URLは次のようになります。 ""


ユーザ名: admin

パスワード: password


9. うまくいかない時は…

After the installer has finished you are done! Open your browser and enter the URL of your admin.php script. Assuming you used LimeSurvey as the directory name to store the files in, this will be something like "".

You should get a login screen. The default login credentials (if not changed during in the installation) are

User: admin

Password: password

You will be prompted to change the default password after you logged in. Have fun!

10. What if I have problems...

Like all computer programs, most of the time things will work just like the instructions say, but sometimes they just won't. There are too many possible reasons for things not going according to plan to describe here. If you have trouble, first check out the Installation FAQ. If you don't find your answer there please post your problem and any error messages in the LimeSurvey forums on or join the IRC channel: