
Code quality guide

From LimeSurvey Manual



  1. Be risk aware. Too good code can be a business risk (slow to write, maybe over-designed). Too sloppy code can also be a business risk (hard to maintain and understand). You have to find a balance that is adapted to the current situation and risk analysis, in which code quality becomes a risk mitigation technique among others.
  2. Be humble. LimeSurvey was made by developers from all over the world, with different age, education and experience. Your code might be read by a completely different team ten years from now, in the same way you are now reading code by developers that no longer work with us, but which work pays our rent.
  3. Performance matters sometimes, and shouldn't be disregarded completely. In particular, database queries using the ORM and ActiveRecord can be problematic. Some surveys have thousands of questions and hundreds of thousands of responses. Fast response time is also important for a fluid user experience.
  4. It's harder to read code than to write code. Don't choose patterns that are easy or fast to write, but that are easy to read.
  5. Make your code communicate intent.
  6. It's easy to forget cross-cutting concerns like translation and security. Keep a mental note.
  7. Stress affects code quality and your risk behaviour. If your stress level is too high to write code with proper quality, take a step back and discuss it with your boss, or you'll push problems to the future.


The purpose of this guide is to increase the quality of the LimeSurvey code-base. What is quality? Which aspects of quality can be measured? Which kind of company culture gives rise to appropriate code quality?

It's usually easier to get along what is "bad" code than what's "best" code. Blacklist instead of whitelist?

Quality attributes related to code quality:

  • Readability
  • Testability
  • Maintainability
  • Performance
  • Security
  • Reliability

Can not increase all at the same time - performance vs readability.

It's better to avoid emotional language when describing code quality, like "clean" or "dirty". Be precise, objective and suggest solutions.

Idiomatic code is more readable than non-idiomatic code. What's idiomatic depends on which context or domain you work in. We work in PHP and web application development, and have other idioms than in, say, functional or hardware-close programming.

Some code are "hot spots" - changed often. Those parts should require higher quality than other code.



data loss as most severe risk for LS

usability a business risk - hard to use or understand, people will choose another tool

risks relevant when fixing bugs

risks relevant when adding new features (lack of testing, wrong requirements, scope creep)

risks relevant when refactoring (regressions)

unit tests and QA as risk mitigation

partial deployment, alpha/beta/rc, risk communication

software rot, design pattern rot/grime, software evolution

rot = non-pattern related code

testing by community, bug fixing by community


There's no inherit module functionality in PHP, but Yii has a module system. Libraries can be seen as a module system.

Examples of implicit modules in LimeSurvey:

  • Front-end (survey taking)
  • Back-end (survey design)
  • Survey theme editing
  • Expression manager
  • Plugin system

In the future, they need to be separated and implemented more clearly as whatever Yii 3 module system is in use.

Some data models are common for all modules, e.g. surveys and users. Can have a "Common" module for such data.

todo, relation to Yii config system



  • Avoid empty OOP ceremony, like defining getters and setters for all properties. Might as well make them public, unless they have invariants that need to be upheld, e.g. "this number is always between 1 and 10" or "this string is maximum length 20".
  • Almost always avoid static methods. They cannot be mocked. One exception is (possibly) factory methods (Foo::make(...)).
  • Inject all dependencies. This will make sure the class can be unit-tested (unit-tests have several benefits over integrity tests - they can be run in parallel and don't require any setup and teardown)
  • A second way to achieve testability is to factor out the methods that access the dependencies

todo, state vs behaviour, state vs dependencies

OOP design


Start from top-down, with domain, behaviour, interaction between objects, database design, pseudo-code if needed. Can also include scenarios, use-cases and UML diagrams.

Object reification - not only domain models, but also domain actions, relations and activities can be objects, e.g. a class ActivateSurvey or ExportSurvey.

Hierarchy depth.

Inheritance vs composition.

Multiple inheritance is done with traits. Use-case: ActiveRecords that support encryption, but not all.

Design pattern grime and software evolution

Design rot after time - how to keep it tight? (Grime.)


Keep a clear separation between classes with state and classes with no state.

todo, elaborate

Types of classes

Different categories of classes:

  • Builders (e.g. query builder)
  • Data-transfer object (no behaviour; pass to views to have better documentation and intent than associative arrays)
  • Value classes (e.g. Email to wrap email string around)
  • Command object (e.g. SurveyActivator)
  • Helper (no state; e.g. QuestionAttributeHelper to bake attributes into different formats used by the views)
  • Wrapper (also no state; e.g IOWrapper, to be able to mock file access)

todo, immutability, possible with private properties that are set in the constructor,

todo: command-query separation for classes?

todo: dependencies between layers, dependencies to the framework

todo, pure vs effectful classes

Types of classes in LimeSurvey

  • ActiveRecord, used to communicate with the database, and should not do anything else
  • Controllers, used for glue code; should not contain business-logic
  • Commands, same as controllers but from CLI
  • Helper functions, should be short and obey command-query separation (TODO: Long functions should be separated into command objects or service classes); todo: should not have any dependencies?
  • Helper classes, similar to helper functions but have dependencies that need to be mocked during tests; should not have any state
  • Service classes, contains logic related to a clear and separate task, like create or import survey
  • Question render classes, contains logic related to how questions are rendered (TODO: Need better separation between state and logic and more clear design); similar to widgets
  • Plugin classes, using the plugin event system
  • Widgets, containing HTML logic for custom HTML widgets
  • Customizations to the Yii framework by inheritance
  • Unit and functional test classes

A couple of classes contain only data, like LsDefaultDataSet.

todo, no difference between state property and dependency property in OOP

What is "glue code"?


Putting the pieces together, e.g. service class A need data from model B, fetch it and run.

todo, add example

"Where do I cut?"

Separation of concerns, but which concerns and which type of separation?


A class should have a single and clear purpose; compare with SOLID.

Class name

  • ActiveRecord classes are named after the database table they are bound to, but with singular instead of plural. E.g. table "lime_users" have model "User".
  • Services classes are named after what they do, e.g. SurveyCreator
  • Helper classes should probably be named as specific as possible when possible, to avoid them from growing too big
  • Follow the naming tradition of the framework with regard to controllers, e.g. UserController or UserAdministrationController.


Functions are one of the fundamental building blocks of programming, so it's important to get it right.

Functions that are part of a class are called "methods", if you want to be formal.

Different types of functions in PHP:

  • Functions (not attached to a class)
  • Methods (attached to class)
  • Anonymous functions (does not capture scope automatically)
  • Short functions (does capture scope automatically)

I'm using "function" as a word for all types of functions in PHP below.


  • A function should be short enough to be completely readable on one screen, approx 60 lines at most
  • A function should not have too many arguments; if you have five or more, consider making it a class instead
  • If a function is growing too big, it might be better to create a class instead or split it into several functions (if both functions have common state, a class might be better, unless you want to pass around explicit state)


  • A function has a contract with its surrounding environment:
    • Pre-condition: What needs to be true before the function is executed
    • Post-condition: What will be true after the function has returned
  • The function contract can be checked with assertions (internal invariants) or exceptions (outside world); see below
  • Another good way is to use unit-tests to make sure the function's contract remains stable through changes
  • The first line in the docblock should be one sentence describing the relation between function arguments and its output
     * Creates a random password of length $length (defaults to 12)
     * @param int $length
     * @return string
    function createPassword($lenght = 12)
     * Creates an HTML language drop down for survey with id $surveyId, marking $selectedLanguage as selected
     * @param int $surveyId
     * @param string $selectedLanguage
     * @return string <select> HTML
    function createLanguageDropdown($surveyId, $selectedLanguage)

Push side-effects up in the stack trace

This one is a bit abstract.

First, what is a side-effect? In short, it's anything that happens in a function that is not described by the relation between function arguments and output.

Another way to phrase it is, that a side-effect is anything that is not always the same for the given input to a function; a function without any side-effects will always return the same result if it gets the same input.


// gT accesses the file system and will return different result depending on what's in the translation files
function gT($sToTranslate, $sEscapeMode = 'html', $sLanguage = null);

// If $sText and $sEscapeMode is always the same, quoteText() will always return the same string.
function quoteText($sText, $sEscapeMode = 'html');

A function with no side-effects is called pure. A function that is guaranteed to always return (no exceptions, no errors, no warnings, no division by zero) is called total. Another name for purity is referential transparency.

It's a good thing if functions in a code-base either have side-effects, or return a result. Not both. This is called command-query separation.

Examples of side-effects:

  • Database or file access
  • Echo, or write to stdout or stderr
  • Randomization

Why does this matter? Because side-effects make testing harder! If you have side-effects, you cannot create unit tests, unless those side-effects can be mocked. If not, you need integrity tests with database setup or more. The more side-effects you have in a function, the more mocking is required to unit test it.

So, one solution to this is to move side-effects higher up in the stack trace, that is, move them to the calling code.


function getSurveyInfo(int $surveyid, string $languagecode = '', boolean $force = false): array;

Since this function takes $surveyid, we know it will probably query the database. Quering the database is a side-effect, and thus it requires a database scaffold for the test (or mocking, but the database connection is not injected, so there's no way to do it). One simple solution is to lift the side-effect out and pass in a Survey object instead:

function getSurveyInfo(Survey $survey, string $languagecode = '', boolean $force = false): array;

Much better! The side-effect of calling the database now happens before the function call. Now we can either mock a Survey object, or make an imitating stub for our test.

Reading the function body, there is in fact another database access, but since this is a relation to the Survey model, it could easily be moved out too. We've just made a function testable! Hooray!

This principle is rephrased in an architectural settings as functional core, imperative shell. This architecture helps you get a good ratio between fast unit tests and slower integrity tests.

Function name

  • The function name should tell you what it does; docs should tell you why (if this information is not obvious). How is described by the code itself (hopefully, but can in some cases be relevant to document).
  • Function name can often be verb [+ adjective] + noun, like "createFieldmap", "quoteText", "getRelativePath"
  • Prefix with "is" for boolean functions

todo: difference between create, get, fetch, generate, ...

Good examples:

  • createPassword() - One verb, one noun - clear
  • isCaptchaEnabled() - Using "is" signifies it returns boolean; clear purpose
  • getFullResponseTable() - Verb, adjective, noun - but is "full" needed here? Is there a non-full version of the same function?
  • replaceExpressionCodes() - Pretty good, but it's obvious that more information is needed in the docblock to describe what "replace" means, and what an "expression code" is
  • fixCKeditorText() - "fix" is a bit vague, but maybe best there is? Pray that docblock contains information!

Bad examples:

  • languageDropdown() - No verb, doesn't tell you what it does
  • rmdirr() - Two r's, looks like a typo, but the last "r" actually means "recursive"! Better: rmdir($recursive = false), rmdir or removeFolder.
  • CSVUnquote() - Is CSV really the namespace? Why is the verb the second word?
  • incompleteAnsFilterState() - One verb, but in the middle, or is "filter state" a noun?; why abbreviate "answer" to "ans"?
  • reverseTranslateFieldNames() - Two verbs - did author mean "reverseTranslatedFieldNames"? Or "reverse and translate"? If so, it should be two functions, one for reverse and one for translate
  • checkUploadedFileSizeAndRenderJson() - If you have an "and" in the function name, you should consider splitting it into two functions


  • gT() - An exception to descriptive function names; since this is used everywhere, the minimal name is motivated; maybe even name it "t()"? Still hard to read for someone who just started? But Yii uses t() too? Other frameworks use double underscore (Wordpress, Laravel) as function name.

Function filename and namespace

If your function has dependencies or side-effects, it should be put into a class instead, in which the dependencies can be injected. Another alternative is to put the dependencies as argument in the function, although this muffles the relationship between input and output. Again, this is to increase testability.

Keep in mind that functions outside classes cannot be mocked, so only use them when you know you won't need to mock them.

todo, autoloading of functions and folder location


NB: This is not assertions as used in unit-tests, but assertions as used to check invariants in production code.

Assertions can be used for mental checks. They are only used for internal logic - failed assertions are not supposed to be seen by the end user. For interaction with the outside world, like database or browser, exceptions should be used instead.

Assertions can be disabled in production mode and have then no runtime cost.


 * Translation helper function
 * @param string $sToTranslate
 * @param string $sEscapeMode Valid values are html (this is the default, js and unescaped)
 * @param string $sLanguage
 * @return string
function gT($sToTranslate, $sEscapeMode = 'html', $sLanguage = null)
    assert(strlen($sToTranslate) > 0);
    assert($sEscapeMode === 'html' || $sEscapeMode === 'js' || $sEscapeMode === 'unescaped');
    return quoteText(Yii::t('', $sToTranslate, array(), null, $sLanguage), $sEscapeMode);



todo: exception hierarchy

todo: what can be repaired after exception? transaction rollback

  • Exceptions are used to check inputs from the outside world (browser, database, file system)
  • Don't use exceptions for control flow, only when fatal errors happen that make further execution impossible
  • Exceptions should have clear error messages that make them actionable - there should be a clear "next step" for the user or developer
  • Never, ever, do an empty catch-block

Alternatives to exceptions

Some people consider exceptions being a hidden form of "goto" which confuses the control flow of the program. They propose different other solutions:

  • Return a tuple, like [$result, $errorMessage] where $errorMessage is null at success
  • Return null at failure
  • Tagged union result type (not yet possible in latest PHP)
  • Result object

The con being that you have to manually propagate the error, where an exception can happen from anywhere in the stack trace without any other function knowing about it.


If-statements should not be too long or hard to understand. If they are, consider factor out the checks into separate functions.

if ((empty($instance->oOptions->{$attribute}))
    || (
        && (
            $instance->oOptions->{$attribute} === 'inherit'
            || $instance->oOptions->{$attribute} === 'I'
            // NB: Do NOT use === here, it won't work with Postgresql.
            || $instance->oOptions->{$attribute} == '-1'
) {

Can be shortened by factoring out method isInherit:

if (empty($instance->options->{$attribute})
    || $this->isInherit($instance-options->{$attribute})) {
 * Returns true if $value is set to inherit
 * @param mixed|null $value
 * @return boolean
public function isInherit($value) {
    return !empty($value)
        && (
               $value === 'inherit'
            || $value === 'I'
            // NB: Do NOT use === here, it won't work with Postgresql.
            || $value == '-1'

And one more time by using a variable for the value:

$value = $instance->options->{$attribute};
if (empty($value) || $this->isInherit($value)) {

More clear, right? "If it's empty or set to inherit, do this and that."


Descriptive naming.

  • Follow PSR-12 - no underscore, use camelCaseLikeThis
  • Variables of ActiveRecord classes can have same name as the class, like "$survey" or "$question"
  • Add -s for plural when it's an array: "$surveys", "$questions"
  • Never include "array" or "list" in variable names - using plural is enough
  • The context of the function helps with variable naming, e..g "$name" might be fine in a function about questions; this is extra helpful when functions are short!
  • When a function is short, it's much easier to figure out variable meaning based on context
  • $qid, $gid, and $sid are so established in the code-base that they could be considered OK
  • The -data suffix means "blob of stuff", only use it when needed, like with $viewData
  • Use $result when baking a return value; add its exact type as @var annotation (worst possible name, acceptable but anything with more meaning is better)

Not so good:

$result = LabelSet::model()->findAll();

Better with model name and -s for plural:

$labelSets = LabelSet::model()->findAll();
  • Do not use Hungarian notation (prefix with "type"), but instead /** @var */ annotations - these can be checked automatically and will then be enforced to be correct, unlike Hungarian notation which can "rot"
/** string[] An array of strings with 0-n elements */
$allFields = [];

Psalm can infer types if the function documentation is enough. The strictness can be adjusted. Not all variables will need @var annotation, the tool will warn you when it's confused.

  • Data that is sent to views as associative arrays will be:
/** @var array Can be basically anything :( Better would be data-transfer objects or more precise notation */
$data = [];
// Maybe more clear as $viewData? Discuss.

You can be more precise when you specify which type of array you're writing:

/** @var array<string, string> This means the array key is string, and the array value is also string */
$data = [];
$data['name'] = 'Olle';
$data['occupation'] = 'Developer';
$data['age'] = 38;  // ERROR! Value must be string.

For more info about array type notation, see the Psalm documentation.

Some smaller examples:

$theme = App()->request->getPost('theme');  // Should be $themeType - $theme looks like a model/AR
$gridid === 'questionthemes-grid';          // Should be $gridId with capital "I", since it's two words in English
$delete = Yii::app()->request->getParam('delete');  // Tuff one - $delete is ok? Thoughts?
$files = json_decode(stripslashes($sJSON), true);  // $file is a resource, $files an array of resources, this is $fileData perhaps?
$valid_extensions_array = explode(",", $aAttributes['allowed_filetypes']); // Should be $validExtensionTypes
$language = Yii::app()->session['survey_' . $surveyid]['s_lang']; // TODO: Should this be a value class? Then Language::make(...);
$surveyInfo = getSurveyInfo($surveyId, $language);  // OK, BUT should be a separate DTO!
$fieldMap = createFieldMap($survey, 'short', false, false, $language);  // Same, make a DTO
$cquestions = array();  // What's "c"? Method name is getChildQuestions and $questions is an argument - better with $childQuestions?


  • The bodies of foreach-loops are often a good candidate to factor out into separate functions.


foreach ($questions as $question) {

Note the variable naming from plural to singular.

  • Loop indexing should be named i, j, k etc.


for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
    for ($j = 0; $j < $otherLength; $j++) {
        // ...

Function composition

todo, "doThisAndThat" --> "doThis(doThat())"


* This function generates an array containing the fieldcode, and matching data in the same order as the activate script
* @param Survey $survey Survey ActiveRecord model
* @param string $style 'short' (default) or 'full' - full creates extra information like default values
* @param boolean $force_refresh - Forces to really refresh the array, not just take the session copy
* @param bool|int $questionid Limit to a certain qid only (for question preview) - default is false
* @param string $sLanguage The language to use
* @param array $aDuplicateQIDs
* @return array
function createFieldMap($survey, $style = 'short', $force_refresh = false, $questionid = false, $sLanguage = '', &$aDuplicateQIDs = array())


  • Name is verb and noun
  • Each argument is documented (almost)


  • Returns "array", which can be anything. A separate class for "Fieldmap" would be better.
  • Not clear if it should be "createFieldMap" or "createFieldmap" - is "fieldmap" one word or two?
  • Very many boolean arguments. Should probably be a class with methods like $fieldmapCreator->setForceRefresh(true); instead.
  • Too long.
  • Doesn't elaborate on what "fieldmap" really is, and does not link to any documentation about it.
  • Access super-global, which makes it hard to test. Should instead return a data-transfer object, like:
    $_SESSION['fieldmap'] = createFieldMap(...);
  • Has no test
  • Mixes Hungarian notation with non-Hungarian notation in the argument list

Defensive programming and error handling


  • Fail hard, fail early. The earlier the program crashes when something is wrong, the lower is the probability that you'll end up with corrupt data in the database that will later require manual labor to correct.
  • Fail with actionable information
  • Check input to functions and throw InvalidArgumentException if it violates the function's pre-conditions
  • Use assert for class-internal invariants
  • Use assert to make assumptions explicit for the reader



  • All functions must have a proper docblock
  • The first line of the docblock should describe the relation between all the input arguments and the output of the function in a single sentence
  • Each parameter must have the correct type
  • Don't use array as type if it's a list of object - instead, use [] like so: Survey[] for a list of surveys

Technical documentation

todo, UML, scenarios, use-cases

The PHP of yesterday

Old idioms and habits that should be abandoned.

  • Don't use associative arrays, almost never. Data-transfer objects have multiple benefits: they are clearly structured, can be documented, can enforce invariants. There's no performance overhead of objects compared to arrays in modern PHP.
  • Objects are already passed by reference; arrays are value types
  • Use [] instead of array()
  • Hungarian notation was useful before static analysis existed for PHP. These days it's better to use something that can be checked automatically: docblock @param and inline @var annotations.

The PHP of tomorrow


Union tags

Short functions

Match expressions




Database injection

Permissions and roles



Loading too many rows into PHP models






Mocks, can't mock functions, static methods, mocking as a DSL, PHPUnit mocking tools

Pure functions, referential transparency, side-effects

Unit, functional, integration

Don't test the framework; don't test PHP

Makes sure the function or class lives up to its specification; make sure it will always live up to its specification, even in the future, to avoid regressions.

Static analysis

php -l, CodeSniffer, Mess Detector, Psalm

Database design




classes, functions, components, tests






"Why do I have to refactor code that works?"

todo, Sadly, it's not enough for the code to live up to the current specification and requirements, it must also be protected against future changes, regressions. Tests is the best way for this. Lots of people might read and change the LimeSurvey code the next 5-10 years. The test suite creates a security layer to make sure the specification is fulfilled even as the code changes.



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