
ExpressionScript How-to

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 10:53, 18 October 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "名前を入力すると、"Hello {name}."となります。")






この構文強調表示によって、複雑なものでも簡単に正しい式を作成することができます。 LimeSurveyチームは式ビルダーGUIの開発を計画していますが、既存の構文強調表示を使用すれば、タイプミスをすばやく特定し修正することができます。また、ツールチップを使用して、式が正しいかを検証することもできます(たとえば、目的の変数を選択したかを確認するなど)。


  1. Source - これは、LimeSurveyの質問フィールドに入力する生のテキストです。
  2. Pretty Print - これは、入力した内容を構文強調表示したものです。
    • 式は、黄褐色の背景で示されていますが、中括弧では囲まれていません。
    • EMは再帰的置換をサポートしているため、強調表示の中で中括弧を表示すると構文エラーが発生する可能性があるので注意してください。
  3. Result - これは、EMがソースを処理して生成される結果です。
    • 適切に置き換えられるものはすべて
    • エラーのある式はインラインで構文が強調表示されます。エラーは赤い線で囲まれています。


You may find below examples of proper syntax:

  1. Values: shows that known variables are color coded according to whether are set on the current page. Old-style INSERTANS:xxxx gets its own color-coding style
  2. Question Attributes: shows that dot notation can access some properties of questions
  3. Math: shows that basic and complex calculations are supported
  4. TextProcessing: shows some of the available text-processing functions
  5. Dates: shows two of the available date-related functions
  6. Conditional: shows the usage of the if() function. The choices can be nested.
  7. Tailored paragraph: you can completely customize a report based upon prior values
  8. EM processes within strings: shows that it can do substitutions within strings. This example generates a tailored image name.
  9. EM doesn't process curly braces like these: shows that if the curly braces are escaped, or there is a white space between the expression and the curly braces, EM ignores the expression.


Here are examples of common errors when typing EM expressions. Note that the tooltips provide additional information.

  1. Inline Javascript that forgot to add spaces after curly brace
    • Since "document.write" appears right after a curly brace, EM thinks it is an expression, and red-boxes "document" and "write" since they are undefined variable and functions, respectively
  2. Unknown/Misspelled variables, functions and operators
    • Here we forgot that we are using the variable name "gender" instead of "sex", but EM catches that error. It also red-boxes '++', since that is not a supported operator.
  3. Warns if use = instead of eq, or perform value assignments
    • Note that the '=' and '+=' are in red text instead of black. If you hover the mouse over them, you will see warnings that you are assigning a value.
  4. Wrong number of arguments for functions
    • if() takes 3 arguments, but it has been given 4, so hovering over the red-boxed "if" will explain the error and show the supported syntax
    • sum() takes an unlimited number of arguments, but we had a trailing comma before the closing parentheses, so that is red-boxed
  5. Mismatched parentheses
    • This is one of the most common errors when writing expressions.
    • This shows two examples of missing closing parentheses, and one example of having one too many closing parentheses.
  6. Unsuported syntax
    • If you use an operator or punctuation that EM does not support, it will red-box it.
  7. Invalid assignments
    • Some variables are readWrite and can have their values changed. Others are read-only.
    • If you try to change the value of a read-only variable, you can't. EM will red-box the attempt.
    • If you try to assign a value to an equation or a string, you will also get an error

"Live" examples of Syntax Highlighting with active tooltips

SourcePretty PrintResult
Here is an example of OK syntax with tooltips
Hello {if(gender=='M','Mr.','Mrs.')} {surname}, it is now {date('g:i a',time())}. Do you know where your {sum(numPets,numKids)} children and pets are?
Here is an example of OK syntax with tooltips
Hello if(gender == 'M','Mr.','Mrs.') surname, it is now date('g:i a',time()). Do you know where your sum(numPets,numKids) children and pets are?
Here is an example of OK syntax with tooltips
Hello Mr. Smith, it is now 6:07 am. Do you know where your 3 children and pets are?
Here are common errors so you can see the tooltips
Variables used before they are declared: {notSetYet}
Unknown Function: {iff(numPets>numKids,1,2)}
Unknown Variable: {sum(age,num_pets,numKids)}
Wrong # parameters: {sprintf()},{if(1,2)},{date()}
Assign read-only-vars:{TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1+=10},{name='Sally'}
Unbalanced parentheses: {pow(3,4},{(pow(3,4)},{pow(3,4))}
Here are common errors so you can see the tooltips
Variables used before they are declared: notSetYet
Unknown Function: iff(numPets > numKids,1,2)
Unknown Variable: sum(age,num_pets,numKids)
Wrong # parameters: sprintf(),if(1,2),date()
Assign read-only-vars:TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1+=10,name='Sally'
Unbalanced parentheses: pow(3,4,(pow(3,4),pow(3,4))
Here are common errors so you can see the tooltips
Variables used before they are declared: notSetYet
Unknown Function: iff(numPets > numKids,1,2)
Unknown Variable: sum(age,num_pets,numKids)
Wrong # parameters: sprintf(),if(1,2),date()
Assign read-only-vars:TOKEN:ATTRIBUTE_1+=10,name='Sally'
Unbalanced parentheses: pow(3,4,(pow(3,4),pow(3,4))
Here is some of the unsupported syntax
No support for '++', '--', '%',';': {min(++age, --age,age % 2);}
Nor '|', '&', '^': {(sum(2 | 3,3 & 4,5 ^ 6)}}
Nor arrays: {name[2], name['mine']}
Here is some of the unsupported syntax
No support for '++', '--', '%',';': min( ++ age, -- age,age % 2) ;
Nor '|', '&', '^': (sum(2 | 3,3 & 4,5 ^ 6)}
Nor arrays: name [ 2 ] ,name [ 'mine' ]
Here is some of the unsupported syntax
No support for '++', '--', '%',';': min( ++ age, -- age,age % 2) ;
Nor '|', '&', '^': (sum(2 | 3,3 & 4,5 ^ 6)}
Nor arrays: name [ 2 ] ,name [ 'mine' ]


"Dear {Mr}/{Mrs} Smith..."



# コード 質問 タイプ
1 gender 性別は? 性別
2 example1 Dear {if(gender=='M','Mr.','Mrs.')} Smith, ... テキスト表示


案内メールにおける"Dear {Mr}/{Mrs} Smith..."



# 属性


Dear {if(ATTRIBUTE_2=='M','Mr','Mrs')} {LASTNAME},




計算 / 評価の例




# コード 質問 タイプ 出現条件
1 numKids 子どもは何人いますか。 数値入力 1
2 kid1 一番目の子どもは何歳ですか。 数値入力 numKids >= 1
3 kid2 二番目の子どもは何歳ですか。 数値入力 numKids >= 2
4 kid3 三番目の子どもは何歳ですか。 数値入力 numKids >= 3
5 kid4 四番目の子どもは何歳ですか。 数値入力 numKids >= 4
6 sumKidAges {sum(kid1.NAOK,kid2,NAOK,kid3.NAOK,kid4.NAOK)} 1
7 kidSummary {numKids}人の{if(numKids==1,'子ども','子どもたち')}がいると回答しました。{if(numKids>1,implode(' ','上から',min(numKids,4),'人までの年齢の合計は',sumKidAges,'です。'),' ')} テキスト表示 1

To download this example, please click on the following link: Assessments_survey_example.


この質問では、出現条件は{numKids >= 2}であるため、回答者が少なくとも2人の子供がいると回答した場合にのみ表示されます。

また、各変数に.NAOK接尾辞を使用することに注意してください。これは、EMが入れ子の出現条件を実現するためのものです。もし.NAOKをつけない場合持、4人の子供を持っていると回答した場合にのみ合計が計算されることになります(すべての変数が真の場合)。.NAOKを使用すると、変数のすべてまたは一部が偽であっても合計を計算することを意味します(すなわち"該当なし"(Not Applicable - NA)でも構わないということです)。






Now notice that the grammar is correct: "You have 1 child".

Now I change the value for number of children to 3, and the display instantly changes to this.

Notice that you now see the conditional message at the bottom:  "The sum of ages of your first 3 kids is 0.".

Now I'll enter ages for my imaginary children, and I get this display, summing up their ages:

Again, the score and display updates instantly as I enter the values, so you can use this to show a running total of an Assessment Score.

Now, I change the value for the number of children to 2. The display has changed to this:

Notice that although I had entered a value of 5.5 for the third child, the report now only sums the values of my first 2 children.

The reason for this is that the 3rd value is now irrelevant, and irrelevant values are actively ignored by EM.

If I were to change the number of kids back to 3, I would see the value of 5.5 I entered again. So, I don't lose any information I enter on the page.

However, if I navigate to the Next or Previous page, all irrelevant values will be NULLed out in the session and in the database. So, if I were to keep the value at 2, go to the next page, and then come back and state that I actually have 3 kids, I would no longer see the age of 5.5.

Enter data and see a dynamically changing report of what was entered on the same page

This example presents the Tailoring process within LimeSurvey.

To download this example, click on the following link: Dynamic changes survey example.

Here is what the page looks like initially. You only see the question asking what city you live in:

Once you start to enter an answer, the tailoring process is also starting:

As you enter answers, the table at the bottom of the page is updated to show the answer codes and values of your responses.

Common Debugging Examples

Nested if() Statements (Conditional Logic)

EM supports the function "if(test,do_if_true,do_if_false)" so that you can perform conditional logic or tailoring. This function can be nested to do the equivalent of "if { } else if { } else {  }". EM will let you know if the parentheses are not balanced (e.g., you are missing a closing right parenthesis), or if you have any extra right parentheses. You should try to count the parentheses as you compose long nested if statements, save it, check for syntax errors, and fix them if any are found. Let's check together the below example.

The group of questions used below can be accessed from here: Tailoring survey example.lsg

First, with nothing entered, you just see "Hello."

名前を入力すると、"Hello {name}."となります。

If you enter an age, you get a tailored message, depending upon whether you are a pre-school-age child or not:

School aged, teenager, or adult. Here is a  teenager who wants to be anonymous:

Here is the logic file of the group. As you can see in the "if-based" question, there are nested if statements based upon the person's age.

When you are originally editing this question, it is likely that at some point, you will have the wrong number of parentheses. Here's what happens if you have too few:

赤いボックスで囲まれた"if"という言葉にカーソルを合わせると、"括弧の数が合わない"と表示されます。この例では、"already an adult!"の後ろに4つの閉じ括弧があるはずですが、3つしかありません。

