

Translations:New Template System in LS3.x/129/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

So in general: if you create a theme from scratch not extending any theme, just use the add statement to add your css/js files. Easy peasy. if you create a theme extending another theme, and you don't want the users to be able to extends the css/js file from the mother theme: don't use the add statement in your manifest. THe files will still be loaded from the mother theme configuration. if you create a theme extending another theme, and you want to replace a file from the mother theme: use the replace keyword (the add keyword will have the same result) if you create a theme extending another theme, if you don't replace a given file from css/js, but you want the users to be able to extend this file: then use the "replace" statement in your manifest for this file. Even if you don't replace the file, by using the keyword replace in the manifest: you allow the user to do it if he wants to do it.