
Main chapters

  1. LimeSurvey Cloud vs LimeSurvey CE
  2. LimeSurvey Cloud - Quick start guide
  3. LimeSurvey CE - Installation
  4. How to design a good survey (Guide)
  5. Getting started
  6. LimeSurvey configuration
  7. Introduction - Surveys
  8. View survey settings
  9. View survey menu
  10. View survey structure
  11. Introduction - Questions
  12. Introduction - Question Groups
  13. Introduction - Surveys - Management
  14. Survey toolbar options
  15. Multilingual survey
  16. Quick start guide - ExpressionScript
  17. Advanced features
  18. General FAQ
  19. Troubleshooting
  20. Workarounds
  21. License
  22. Version change log
  23. Plugins - Advanced

Recurring forum posts

From LimeSurvey Manual

This is a collection of recurring forum posts which can be used to copy/paste common answers. Please update if anything is missing.

More Information


Which version and build of LimeSurvey do you use?


Welche Version und welchen Build nutzt du?

More Details

Your description as rather vague. Can you please describe your problem in more detail?

1. What do you do exactly?

2. What do you expect to happen?

3. What happens instead?

4. Any configuration parameters we should know about?

Path problems

1. Please post the URL you use to call the admin login.

2. What did you set for $rooturl in config.php?


1. Unter welcher URL rufst du den Admin-Login auf?

2. Was hast du in config.php für $rooturl eingesetzt?

Any Progress?

Any progress?

Have you been able to solve your problem? If so, how did you solve it? Any kind of feedback is always appreciated so we know which solution helps best to solve common problems.


Konntest du das Problem inzwischen lösen?

Falls ja, wie hast du es umgesetzt? Jede Art von Feedback ist immer willkommen, da wir nur so herausfinden, welche Lösungsvorschläge sich für bestimmte Problemstellungen eignen.

Config.php Settings

Please post the settings you set in config.php (no real passwords please).


Poste bitte mal deine Einstellungen, die du in config.php vorgenommen hast. Bitte keine Passwörter offen posten.

Phpinfo File

Please upload a phpinfo file so we can take a look at your server configuration. Just put the following code into a file named phpinfo.php and upload it to your webserver:

[code] < ?php phpinfo(); ? > [/code](Delete the spaces next to </> when copying the code.)

After uploading please post the link to the file.


Bitte erstelle eine phpinfo Datei, damit wir mal einen Blick auf deine Serverkonfiguration werfen können. Einfach folgende Zeile in eine neue Textdatei kopieren und diese unter dem Namen phpinfo.php speichern:

[code] < ?php phpinfo(); ? > [/code](Die Leerzeichen bei </> löschen, wenn du den Code kopierst.)

Dann die Datei auf deinen Server laden und hier den Link posten, Beispiel: www.meinehomepage.de/phpinfo.php


Debug Mode

Please switch on debug mode by adding the following line to your config.php file:


Are there any additional errors reported on top of the page?


Schalte bitte mal den Debugging-Modus ein, indem du folgenden Eintrag in deine config.php Datei kopierst:


Werden irgendwelche zusätzlichen Fehlermeldungen oben auf der Seite angezeigt?


You can test if this is fixed at the latest version by [url=http://demo.limesurvey.org/admin]testing our online demo[/url] which always runs the latest LimeSurvey version.

Username: admin

Password: test

If you can reproduce the problem there please...


Du kannst mal auf unserer Onlinedemo, die immer die neueste LimeSurveyversion nutzt, testen, ob das Problem dort reproduzierbar ist: [url=http://demo.limesurvey.org/admin]Link[/url]

Username: admin

Password: test

Wenn das Problem dort auch auftaucht, ...


Please upgrade to the latest release which contains recent bug fixes and new features.

More information:

- [url=http://www.limesurvey.org/en/stable-release]Download latest release[/url]

- [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrading+from+a+previous+version]Upgrade instructions[/url]


Bitte führe ein Update auf die neueste Version durch, das alle aktuellen Bugfixes enthält.

Weitere Infos:

- [url=http://www.limesurvey.org/en/stable-release]Download der neuesten Version[/url]

- [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrading+from+a+previous+version]Update Anleitung[/url]

Report Bug

Please test if the problem still exists at  [url=http://www.limesurvey.org/en/stable-release]the latest release[/url]. If so please [url=http://bugs.limesurvey.org/]open a ticket at the bugtracker [/url] and...


[li]Give as much information as possible[/li]

[li]Attach your survey. You can mark your ticket "private" so that only the developers will be able to take a look at it.[/li]

[li]Provide step-by-step instructions how to reproduce the problem.[/li]

[li]If possible/helpful please provide screenshots[/li]


Afterwards please post the link to the bugtracker so we can follow the progress.



Prüfe bitte, ob das Problem auch in [url=http://www.limesurvey.org/en/stable-release]der neuesten Version[/url] reproduzierbar ist. Falls ja öffne bitte ein [url=http://bugs.limesurvey.org/]Ticket im Bugtracker [/url] und...

1. Beschreibe das Problem so detailliert wie möglich (bitte in Englisch).

2. Lade deinen Fragebogen (als exportierte .csv-Datei) hoch. Du kannst deinen Eintrag "privat" machen, so dass nur Entwickler die Datei einsehen können.

3. Schreibe eine kurze Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung, wie man das Problem reproduzieren kann.

4. Falls möglich/sinnvoll hänge Screenshots an.

Wenn du den Bug berichtet hast, bitte hier den Link eintragen, damit wir den Fortschritt verfolgen können.


Add Feature Request

You can [url=http://ideas.limesurvey.org/ideatorrent/all_limeSurvey_1/]add this as a feature request at our feature tracker[/url]. Please describe your idea as detailed as possible and try to outline a suitable solution/implementation as well.


Du kannst [url=http://ideas.limesurvey.org/ideatorrent/all_limeSurvey_1/]dies als Feature-Request in unserem Feature-Tracker hinzufügen[/url]. Bitte beschreibe (in Englisch) das Problem so ausführlich wie möglich und versuche Vorschläge zur Lösung des Problems bzw. der Implementierung zu machen. Danke!


You're welcome :-)

If our hints have been helpful and you enjoy Limesurvey  please donate to give LimeSurvey a future.

We do all this in our free time and you don't have to pay a penny for this software.

Without your help we can't keep this project alive.


Gern geschehen !

Wenn wir helfen konnten und du LimeSurvey magst, schau doch mal, ob du uns [url=http://donate.limesurvey.org] eine kleine Spende zukommen lassen kannst[/url].

Wir machen das hier alles in unserer Freizeit und das Programm ist absolut kostenlos.

Ohne eure Hilfe kann das Projekt nicht fortgeführt werden.


Merci de votre retour !

Si ces informations vous ont aidé et que vous aimez LimeSurvey

[url=http://www.limesurvey.org/component/nbill/?action=orders&task;=order&cid;=3] veuillez considérer l'opportunité d'une donation au projet[/url] .

Le projet LimeSurvey est effectué sur notre temps libre et nous ne recevons aucune rémunération.

Sans votre aide, le projet ne peut survivre.

Tipps and Tricks

SGQA Codes

You can set LimeSurvey to show all codes at the printable survey screen, see this setting:

"$showsgqacode: (>1.91) This setting is used at the printable survey feature Image and defaults to false. If you set $showsgqacode = true; the IDs for each question - and answer if applicable - will be shown; these IDs match the column heading at the Lime_survey_12345 table which holds the answer data for a certain survey. These Ids can be used for a code book for manual database queries."

[url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/Optional+settings&structure;=English+Instructions+for+LimeSurvey#Statistics_and_Response_Browsing]Link to optional settings[/url]

Javascript to hide questions

To hide a question using Javascript you first have to disable the internal XSS filter at the admin section (global settings -> security -> "Filter HTML for XSS = 'no'").

Then you have to edit the according question. Edit the question text [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/First+login+-+Your+user+preferences#X._Source_code_mode:]in source code mode[/url] and add this snippet at the end of the text:









You have to replace the question ID ("4444") with the [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/SGQA+identifier&structure;=English+Instructions+for+LimeSurvey#General_Description]ID of the current question[/url].


XSS Filter

There is a filter for security reasons which filters javascript input to prevent XSS attacs: [i]"This setting enables filtering of suspicious html tags in survey, group, questions and answer texts in the administration interface. Only leave this to 'false' if you absolutely trust the users you created for the administration of LimeSurvey and if you want to allow these users to be able to use Javascript, Flash Movies, etc."[/i]

Check config-defaults.php for a [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Optional+settings#Security]setting like "filterxsshtml"[/url], copy this setting to config.php and disable the filter.

Public statistics

The new feature to show statistics to the user at the end of a survey was introduced in version 1.80RC3. Using this feature the user is presented a link at the end of the survey which takes him to the public statistics.

There are two important settings. At first you have to [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Creating+a+new+survey#Presentation_amp_Navigation]enable public statistics for your current survey[/url] at survey settings -> presentation & navigation -> Public statistics.

Because often you only want to show statistics for certain questions there is an [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Question+attributes#public_statistics]additional question attribute "public_statistics"[/url]. This question attribute has to be applied to all questions which should be shown to the user. Note that the use of this question attribute is limited to certain question types (see list at manual -> question attributes -> public_statistics).

Furthermore it is possible to [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Creating+a+new+survey#Presentation_amp_Navigation]set if the public statistics should contain graphs[/url]. This can also be set individually for each survey at survey settings -> presentation & navigation -> public graphs


Add Missing Information

If you are missing some information in the manual feel free to improve it. [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=English+Instructions+for+LimeSurvey]Our manual[/url] is a wiki, everyone can edit it and you can't do much wrong.

So if you miss anything in the manual and you found out how to do it please add this information. Thanks!


[url=http://docs.limesurvey.org]Unser Handbuch[/url] ist ein Wiki, jeder kann es ändern/verbessern. Wir sind hier auf die Hilfe unserer Nutzer angewiesen, also sei doch bitte so nett und füge eine kurze Notiz zu dieser Problematik hinzu, um anderen Nutzern zu helfen.


Add Instructions to Manual

Thanks a lot for this helpful instructions. Can you [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org]add this to our wiki[/url]  so that other users can benefit from your solution, too? Would be great!

Add workaround

Can you please [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Workarounds] add your solution to the workaround section of our manual[/url] so other users can beneffit from your solution, too!?




If you have questions about the limesurvey code or how to implement new features it's always best to [url=http://www.limesurvey.org/index.php/Live-Chat]join the limesurvey IRC[/url].

Our developers don't hang around in the forum much so please contact them at our IRC.

Be patient, often our developers only answer after a few minutes or the developer who can help you isn't around. In this case please try again later.

You're welcome! If our hints have been helpful and you enjoy limesurvey please consider a donation to the team (see http://donate.limesurvey.org) . We do all this in our free time and you don't have to pay a penny for this software.

Without your help we can't keep this project alive.


Please upgrade to the latest release. A lot of errors have been fixed in the latest release.

More information:

- Download latest release: http://www.limesurvey.org/en/stable-release

- Upgrade instructions: http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Upgrading+from+a+previous+version

User pacthes

Please open a ticket at our bugtracker at the "user patches" section and attach your code files there. The forum is cleaned up regularly so this might get lost if you post it here.

When you are done, please post the link to the bugtracker ticket here.



Sorry, we don't give personal support via PM. Please always post your questions in the forum so that other users can participate from the solution.

Best regards,

Mazi (Forum Support)


Sorry, aber wir geben keinen persönlichen Support per PM. Bitte stelle deine Frage immer im Forum, damit andere Nutzer auch von der Lösung profitieren können.

Beste Grüße,

Mazi (Forum Support)

Login Problems

Synchronize Passwords

We synchronized forum, wiki/manual and bugtracker usernames and passwords. Please set a new password by clicking your username in the forum and chosing edit -> update your profile -> contact info. This way everything will get synchronized and you should be able to log in.


Wir haben Forum, Handbuch/Wiki und den Bugtracker synchronisiert, so dass man nur noch einen Login benötigt. Damit dies korrekt funktioniert, musst du evtl. auf www.limesurvey.org ein neues Passwort setzen. Einfach im Forum auf deinen Benutzernamen klicken und dann bei edit -> update your profile -> contact info ein neues Passwort festlegen. So sollten alle Komponenten synchronisiert werden.


Search Forum

I can't solve your problem but I think this has been discussed before. Perhaps searching the forum might return helpful results.

Advanced support

Sorry, I help users a lot but your request is beyond the common free support. Please [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=UserPage%20Mazi]check out advanced support options[/url].

"X" within certain words

LimeSurvey adds an "X" to certain words for security reasons. These are words like "link, url, ..." which can be used to hack the system. Normally this "X" won't show up at the final but is only shown at the admin panel.

Styling questions

Take a look at the [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=Templates+%2F+The+template+editor#Styling_questions_in_LimeSurvey_1_8]instructions about styling questions[/url].

Edit Translation

This text string can be changed by [url=http://docs.limesurvey.org/tiki-index.php?page=LimeSurvey+1.x+Translating+LimeSurvey]editing the translation[/url].

Cross postings

[url=]No cross posting please! [/url] It's always best to ask your question at the english forum because there are more user.


[url=]Bitte keine doppelten Postings! [/url] Am besten stellst du deine Frage immer im englischen Unterforum, dort sind mehr Leute unterwegs.

German threads in german forum

In den englischen Foren bitte nur englisch schreiben, das sorgt sonst immer mal wieder für Verwirrung. Wenn du einen deutschen Beitrag verfasst bitte das [url=www.limesurvey.org/de/forum/deutsches-forum]deutsche Forum[/url] benutzen. Ich werde einen Mod kurz darauf hinweisen diesen Thread hier mal schnell in das deutsche Forum zu verschieben.

@Mods: Can someone please move this thread to the German forum? Thank you!