
LimeSurvey 2 development demo test ride

From LimeSurvey Manual

NOTE: This information is outdated (12-2011) and the links will not work anymore.

Access to the Developer's Demo website


Username: root

Password: root

Testing the Dashboard

After successful log-in, click on Dashboard.


  • You are encouraged to break things, but don't delete stuff, except for the users with usernames jimmy01, jimmy02 and jimmy03, which you can recreate by importing them from a CSV file below (use the "CSV Import" tab of Users widget)
  • To access an example Survey Dashboard, locate the Surveys widget, find and click on the survey called "Mandatory Survey" and click on "Dashboard" that appears in the 'action' row
  • You can drag and drop items from Users widget onto the Security Groups widget
  • Best viewed in Firefox
Bug reports go to, select "Bug Reports v2.x" category

File for testing User CSV Import: Download file

Response Viewer

After you login, you can test the new Response Viewer by going to (link)



Response Viewer