
Aktualisierung von einer früheren Version

From LimeSurvey Manual

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Bevor Sie beginnen...

... read this because it is very important: Always backup the files and the database of your current installation!!!

You can do this using a database administration tool like [httsp:// phpMyAdmin] and a file manager! If you don't know how to do this, you should not proceed further and ask someone who knows or use the ComfortUpdate instead.

Der schnelle Weg (für kleinere Versionssprünge)

You can use these instructions if you are doing a minor upgrade (for example from 2.00 to 2.01):

  • Backup your files and database (did we already mention that?).
  • Delete all the old files/folders except for:
    • /application/config/config.php;
    • /upload directory - NOTE: If you have any customized templates sitting under /upload/templates, make sure you 'refresh' those with any changes that come with the new LimeSurvey version. The easiest way to check for such changes is to file-compare your old template with the new version of the default template. If you see any differences other than your customizations, a refresh is needed.
  • Copy the new files from the new LimeSurvey package to the existing location.
  • Open the admin page in your browser (e.g. and check if a database scheme upgrade is necessary.
  • After the upgrade: Clear your browser cache and cookies!

Der gründliche Weg (für große Versionssprünge)

Unfortunately, there are a couple of things to consider, so please read carefully the following instructions.

Upgrading from version 1.50 or later to any later 2.xx version

  1. Download the latest version of LimeSurvey.
  2. Prepare and backup the old installation:
    1. Backup your installation directory files and SQL-based database just in case:
      1. At the command-line level, make a .zip or similar archive of the whole installation directory tree of files. For example, in Linux 'tar cvzf foo.tgz cps100' will tar and zip the whole of the cps100 directory;
      2. You can use [httsp:// phpMyAdmin] to export all tables or you can use the backup database function of LimeSurvey that is available in the Configuration dialog (under the Advanced tab) to backup the entire database; Note: Look for the LimeSurvey Administration button to export the database in the older LimeSurvey versions;
    2. Copy your config.php file, modified template directories, and the /upload directory separately for quick access later;
  3. Replace all the installation directory files:
    1. Delete all old files in the existing installation directory;
    2. Upload and unpack the new code version into the same installation directory;
    3. If your previous version was older than 1.90: Copy any customized templates to /upload/templates - you will also need to rename each template directory whose name matches an existing template in /templates.
    4. Copy your /upload directory back to the old location;
    5. Double check the permissions set on the directories (write access to /tmp, /upload and and their subdirectories is required) as described in the installation wiki;
    6. Open http://<yourdomain>/<yourlimesurveydir>/admin in your browser and follow the instructions (you can use the old config.php as reference). The existing database will be automatically detected and if necessary, upgraded after confirmation.
  4. Check if any special manual checks apply as listed below;
  5. Now clear your browser cache and cookies! and you are good to go.
  Attention : If you upgrade from e.g. 1.92, it might be necessary to first upgrade to latest 1.92, then to 2.00, then to 2.06, and then finally to the latest version (e.g. 2.55.x).

  Attention : Please note that the template structure has changed with the update from 2.0x to 2.50 or later. Your old templates will not be working anymore as the template system is now using responsive templates.

Special checks after an upgrade:
  • from any earlier version to 2.xx:
    • Proper question codes are mandatory now. After upgrading the installation, check the survey logic of all surveys and correct the codes where necessary.
  • from a version earlier than v1.53: When upgrading from a version before v1.53 to the latest version, please check the global user rights of each user. There was a new superadmin right introduced in v1.53 that can give a user the same privilege as the master administration account created during the install. The upgrade script is guessing to whom should be given this permission in the older versions. As this is not perfect, it should be carefully checked;
  • from any earlier version to v2.06: From 2.05 to 2.06, some unused permissions when editing global permissions for 'surveys' were activated. For example, if a user had only the 'create' permission in 2.05, the other permissions located on the right of 'create' would also get activated with the update to 2.06 (View/read, Update, Delete, Import, Export). Please, check whether the admin users got any other global permissions besides the 'original' ones after the update. If yes, please edit them accordingly.

Upgrading from version 1.50 or later to any later 1.xx version

  1. Download the desired version of LimeSurvey.
  2. Prepare and backup the old installation.
    1. Backup your installation directory files and SQL-based database just in case.
      1. At the command-line level, make a .zip or similar archive of the whole installation directory tree of files. For example, in Linux 'tar cvzf foo.tgz cps100' will tar and zip the whole of the cps100 directory;
      2. Using [httsp:// phpMyAdmin] or similar to export all tables; or using the LimeSurvey Administration button to backup the entire database.
    2. Copy your config.php file, modified template directories, and the /upload directory separately for quick access later;
  3. Replace all the installation directory files:
    1. Delete all old files in the existing installation directory;
    2. Upload and unpack the new code version into the same installation directory;
    3. Edit or replace the config.php file:
      1. If your previous version was < 1.70: Edit the new config.php in order to reflect the changes from the backup config.php file. Do not just overwrite the new config.php with your old one!;
      2. If your previous version was >= 1.70: Simply replace the new config.php with your backup config.php file (as the file format has not changed);
    4. If your previous version was older than 1.90: Copy any customized templates to /upload/templates - you will also need to rename each template directory whose name matches an existing template in /templates;
    5. Copy your /upload directory back to the old location;
    6. Double check the permissions set on the directories of LimeSurvey (write access to /tmp, /upload, and to their subdirectories is required) as described in the installation wiki;
  4. Finish the installation/upgrade process:
    1. Once you open the URL to your LimeSurvey administration, the database tables will be updated after confirmation;
    2. Remove or rename the /admin/install directory as/if instructed by the installation script;
    3. Check if any special manual checks apply (as listed below).
Spezielle Prüfungen nach einem Update:
  • Von einer älteren Version nach 1.92: Die Designvorlagen haben sich stark geändert. Bitte überprüfen Sie Ihre angepassten Designvorlagen, ob diese immer noch korrekt funktionieren. Wenn nicht, dann müssen Sie diese anpassen (werden Sie einen Blick auf die Originaltemplates um zu sehen, was sich geändert hat).
  • Von einer Version älter als v1.53: Nach dem Update überprüfen Sie bitte die globalen Benutzerrechte, da ein neues Superadmin-Recht eingeführt wurde und während des Updates versucht das Script zu schätzen, wer es bekommen sollte. Das ist nicht immer perfekt, daher sollten die Benutzerrechte noch einmal geprüft werden.

Aktualisierung von einer Version älter als v1.50 (v1.0 bis 1.44)

Durch den Umstand, dass sich die komplette Datenstruktur und viele weitere kleine Dinge geändert haben ist eine Aktualisierung von Versionen älter als 1.50 NICHT möglich. Wenn Sie noch alte Umfragestruktur-Dateien mit einer *.sql Erweiterung besitzen, dann ist es nur möglich diese zu importieren, indem man Version 1.50 installiert, diese dort importiert, und dann diese Version auf die aktuellste Version aktualisiert. Siehe auch die Seite Übertragung einer Installation für weitere Details.

Update FAQ

What is the most recent LimeSurvey version that still supports PHP4?

Die letzte Version, die PHP4 unterstützt, ist Version 1.82+

Kann ich auch updaten, wenn ich aktive Umfragen habe?

Ja, das ist möglich und bei kleineren Versionssprüngen im Regelfall unbedenklich. Sie sollten in jedem Fall Ihre Umfragen nach dem Update immer testen, vor allen Dingen wenn Sie ein angepasste Designvorlage nutzen.

Was ist der beste Weg, um LimeSurvey *.sql-Umfrage Struktur-Dateien auf die neueste Version zu portieren?

Installieren Sie die Version 1.50, importieren Sie die Datei und exportieren Sie die UmfragesStruktur als neueres CSV-Format. Die neueste Version kann dieses Format immer noch lesen.