

Translations:Theme editor/104/sl

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 18:55, 9 October 2013 by Dusan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Vsaki vrsti "vnosa" v anketi je bilo dano svoje ime razreda. Tako lahko dodate CSS v vašo datoteko "startpage.pstpl" in imate nekaj možnosti vplivanja na prikaz oblike gumb...")
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Vsaki vrsti "vnosa" v anketi je bilo dano svoje ime razreda. Tako lahko dodate CSS v vašo datoteko "startpage.pstpl" in imate nekaj možnosti vplivanja na prikaz oblike gumbov in vnosov. Ta imena razredov so sledeča:

  • submit (Gumbi za oddajo)
  • text (Besedilni vnosi - za kratko besedilo, datum in številke)
  • answertext (Besedilo odgovorov)
  • radio (Radijski gumbi)
  • checkbox (Potrditvena polja)
  • select (Select / List Boxes)
  • textarea (Large text inputs - for long free text)
  • clearall (The "Exit and Clear Survey" link)
  • rank (The rank style question. Doesn't set the colour of the select box or the text boxes (these are set by relevant section above) but does allow changing of background colour, text colour and size etc for the rest of the ranking question)
  • graph (The "percentage completed" graph table)
  • innergraph (The table inside the graph table - this contains the 0% and 100% text. Use this for changing the size of this text)
  • question (General settings for any question that is displayed within a table. Generally you should use this to make sure that their font size and colour is the same as you have used elsewhere as a default)
  • mandatory  (Mandatory questions)
  • input-error (User input error - for if a user has made a mistake with a mandatory question or question with validation)
  • array1 and array2 (These two styles are cycled when presenting the range of answers for an array type question. This allows you to set an alternating background colour for these question types. Array1 is also used for the column headings in these question types)
  • errormandatory (Sets the colour and style of the "This question is mandatory" error message)
  • warningjs (Sets the colour and style of the warning message displayed if the participant's browser has javascript disabled)