
Prenos namestitve

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 12:15, 5 August 2013 by Dusan (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cilj pri prenosu namestitve na nov strežnik je podoben nadgrajevanju. Največja razlika je, da poskušamo zgolj obnoviti obstoječo namestitev na novem računalniku. Če žel...")

Morda je vaša naloga premik vaše namestitve na nov strežnik. Opravilo bi moralo biti enostavno, vendar se lahko zaplete zaradi drugih dejavnikov. Na tej strani je opisan prenos, na kaj morate biti pozorni in kako izvesti obnovo, če naletite na težavo.

V splošnem so edine razlike v primerjavi z novo namestitvijo sledeče:

  1. config.php se običajno spremeni za shranjevanje osnovnih parametrov za namestitev, kot tudi vse po meri narejene nastavitve
  2. upload/* lahko vsebuje običajne predloge ali naložene datoteke
  3. SQL database tables bi moral imeti podatke o dodanih tablah, ustvarjenih v času namestitve. Upoštevajte tudi, da so morda bile ustvarjene nekatere nove tabele za shranjevanje kopij žetonov in rezultatov iz preteklih ali trenutno aktivnih anket. Te nove tabele so običajno poimenovane lime_survey_nnn..., lime_tokens_nnn..., lime_oldsurvey_nnn... in lime_oldtokens_nnn....

To so načeloma vse razlike, razen če ste delali še kakšne dodatke za prilagoditev same kode.

Cilj pri prenosu namestitve na nov strežnik je podoben nadgrajevanju. Največja razlika je, da poskušamo zgolj obnoviti obstoječo namestitev na novem računalniku. Če želite obenem šenadgraditi na novo različico, naredite to kasneje kot naslednji korak potem, ko ste uspešno prenesli namestitev in preverili, da deluje.

Transferring any version

  1. Prepare and save the old release
    1. Backup your installation directory files and SQL-based database
      1. At the command-line level, make a .zip or similar archive of the whole installation directory tree of files
      2. Use phpMyAdmin or similar to export all tables; or use the LimeSurvey Administration button to backup the entire database
    2. Copy your config.php file separately for easy access to edit
  2. Move the saved release to the new machine
    1. Unpack your installation files
      1. Create your new installation directory (same name is convenient)
      2. Unpack/unzip the installation files into it that were saved earlier
    2. Setup your SQL database
      1. Create the new database using phpMyAdmin or a command line interface
      2. Load the saved SQL-based database to recreate the tables and content
  3. Edit config.php to reflect changes from the old release and check your installation
    1. Be careful to check the database name, username, and password; as well as the installation server name, URL path and physical directory path to the installation
    2. Visit the survey admin page or the page of an active survey; verify everything appears to be working.
  4. You are done (:biggrin:) .

If you wish to upgrade on this same machine, you now can go through the same process described earlier to upgrade to a newer version.

Things that go wrong

As simple as this appears, things do seem to go wrong.  Take a deep breath.  Verify you followed the steps.  Otherwise read on to see where other people got hung up along the way.

Different PHP installation on each machine

Different SQL Database between machines

Different LimeSurvey version (installation and DB backup file archives do not match)

Maybe you did not have the correct installation backup code to match the backed-up SQL database?  It could be easy to get these separate backups confused, out of sync, or otherwise separated.  There are a few things that can help you find out what version each backup may be.  When using the LimeSurvey SQL backup option, the default file name it creates has the date of the backup in the name.  Also, searching inside the SQL database backup file, there should be a section that looks similar to the below where the database version is stored.  This value is used by the installer to determine how to apply changes to tables when upgrading, for example.

# Table data for lime_settings_global
INSERT INTO lime_settings_global VALUES("DBVersion","126");