

QS:Array filter

From LimeSurvey Manual

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Filter polja (array_filter)


Filter polja vam omogoča izbiro odgovorov, ki se prikažejo v naslednjem vprašanju z lestvico.

Od verzije 1.92 dalje je možno filtrirati odgovore za nadaljno vključevanje v vprašanja polj, vključno z:
  • Izbira več možnosti
  • Izbira več možnosti s kometarji
  • Več kratkih tekstovnih odgovorv
  • Več številčnih odgovorov
  • Lestvice in polja (5 stopenjska, 10 stopenjska, Da/Ne/Ne vem, Povečalo/Ostalo enako/Zmanjšalo, Stolpec)
  • Lestvica (Dvostopenjska lestvica, besedilo, števila)
  • Razvrstitev

Furthermore, each of these types of questions can be filtered.

Edina izjema je tip vprašanja Polje (stolpci), ki se lahko uporabi za filtriranje drugih vprašanj, medtem ko ta vrsta vprašanja ne more biti filtrirana.

Nastavitev filtra

Za nastavitev filtra vnesite kodo vprašanja z več možnostmi. Na primer, če je koda vprašanja "Q1" vnesite "Q1" v vnosno polje "Filter polja" ali v vnosno polje "Izločitev filtra polja", ki se nahajajo znotraj naprednih nastavitev vprašanja, ki ga želite filtrirati. Vidni bodo samo odgovori, ki so bili izbrani znotraj vprašanja Q1.

Od verzije 1.92 naprej lahko vnesete več možnosti v filter za posamezno vpršanje s pomočjo ločevanja s podpičji.

Array filter question settings require the questions being used to have exactly matching lists of answers. If the questions do not have exactly the same set of answers and codes, then the filters will break.

Starting in 1.92, if Q2 has sub-questions that are not present in Q1, they will always be displayed rather than breaking the filters.


The Array filter will cascade – that is you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.

Array filter example

Ticking items ‘One’, ‘Three’ and ‘Four’ in the first question results in the entries 'One', 'Three' and 'Four' displaying in the subsequent question which uses array filter

Multi option question


Question: Which animals do you like?

1 Cat

2 Dog

3 Zebra

Array 5 Point Choice Question


Question: Rate these animals on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is I like them a little and 5 is I like them a lot

Array filter example 2 - Using Multiple Short Text

Note: This features is available starting in version 1.92

Here is the Limesurvey Group file for the above demo


Array filter example 3 - Cascading Array Filters

This sample survey shows use of array_filter, array_filter_exclude, and exclude_all_others, plus cascading array filters.
