
Backend UI improvements for 2.5

From LimeSurvey Manual

Put stuff here that you want to discuss about the admin part of LS 2.5


  • Option to always keep the side-menu open (it's irritating to manually open and close it all the time)
    • Adaptive design: You open it manually one time and it stays open.
  • Put two small icons visible at hover on the side-menu:
    • Activate/stop survey
    • Test/run survey
  • Start to think in terms of Ajax: Which pages can be loaded async? Side-menu is always the same. Load side-body and menu-bar async? E.g., when clicking on question in side-menu, we can blur side-body (main content), show a loading gif and fetch all HTML async.
  • Add a list of most recently visited surveys (visited in backend), like in word processors. Add this list to survey drop-down in top menu ("Create, import, list surveys"). The purpose is to make it easier to switch between 2-3 surveys you are currently working on.
  • Keep more advanced bar menu even in edit mode (plus save, save-and-close, close):

New features

  • Customizable menu bar (quick menu?) where you can choose which buttons to show, visible at all time (or on different pages?).
    • Drag-n-drop buttons from a list to add and change order