
Ponovno ustvarite kode vprašanj

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 08:55, 6 December 2023 by Maren.fritz (talk | contribs) (Created page with " <center>File:Regerate question codes - location.png</center>")

Uporabniki, ki imajo dovoljenje za urejanje vprašanj, lahko vsakemu anketnemu vprašanju dodelijo edinstven ID. Vendar, če se ti ID-ji preveč razlikujejo (številčenje je preveč neurejeno), lahko uporabite funkcijo Regeneriraj kode vprašanj za samodejno preimenovanje anketnih vprašanj in skupin vprašanj.

Za dostop do njega kliknite katero koli nastavitev, povezano z anketo, nato kliknite Orodja v zgornji orodni vrstici in nato izberite funkcijo regeneracije kode, ki ustreza vašim potrebam:

The code regeneration can be done:

  • Straight: If this option is used, each question will be allocated a code that corresponds to their order from the survey structure (e.g. Q00001, Q0002, etc.);
  • By question group: If this option is chosen, each question will be allocated a code that corresponds to the group each of them belongs to and their order within that question group: (G1Q00001, G1Q00002, G2Q00001, etc.).