

Translations:New Template System in LS3.x/78/en

From LimeSurvey Manual

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Modifed view for Survey Title in the navbar

  1. Create a new directory /upload/themes/survey/yourThemeName/views/subviews/header/.
  2. Copy /themes/survey/vanilla/views/subviews/header/nav_bar.twig to that new directory.
  3. Open /themes/survey/vanilla/views/subviews/header/nav_bar.twig and find "{# Logo option #}". Under that, modify the IF statement for the logo/survey-name, so it looks like this:
    		{# Logo option #}
            {% if( aSurveyInfo.options.brandlogo == "on") %}
                <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.navbarbrand }} logo-container"  {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.navbarbrand }}  >
                    {{ image(aSurveyInfo.options.brandlogofile,, {"class": "logo img-responsive"}) }}
            {% endif %}
            {% if( aSurveyInfo.options.surveyname1 == "on") %}
                <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.navbarbrand }}"  {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.navbarbrand }} >
                    {{ }}
            {% endif %}
  4. Add something like this to /upload/themes/survey/yourThemeName/css/custom.css:
    .navbar-brand {
        line-height: 60px;
        font-size: 32px;
  5. Toggle the "Survey name in navbar" theme option to "Yes"
  6. You should see this:

Modifed view for Survey Title under progress bar

  1. Create a new directory /upload/themes/survey/yourThemeName/views/subviews/survey/group_subviews.
  2. Copy /themes/survey/vanilla/views/subviews/survey/group_subviews/group_container.twig to that new directory.
  3. Open /themes/survey/vanilla/views/subviews/survey/group_subviews/group_container.twig and add an <h1> element for the survey name. So it looks like this:
    <div class="{{ aSurveyInfo.class.groupcontainer }} space-col" {{ aSurveyInfo.attr.groupcontainer }}>
        {# Custom survey name #}
        {% if( aSurveyInfo.options.surveyname2 == "on") %}
        	<h1 class="custom-survey-name">{{ }}</h1>
        {% endif %}
        {# Group Name #}
        {{ include('./subviews/survey/group_subviews/group_name.twig') }}
        {# Group Description #}
        {{ include('./subviews/survey/group_subviews/group_desc.twig') }}
            This is the main part. It will render each question for this group
        <!-- PRESENT THE QUESTIONS -->
        {% for  aQuestion in aGroup.aQuestions %}
             {{ include('./subviews/survey/question_container.twig') }}
        {% endfor %}
        <!-- Hidden inputs -->
        {% if aGroup.show_last_group == true %}
            <input type='hidden' name='lastgroup' value='{{ aGroup.lastgroup }}' id='lastgroup' />
        {% endif %}
        {% if aGroup.show_last_answer == true %}
            <input type='hidden' name='lastanswer' value='{{ aGroup.lastanswer }}' id='lastanswer' />
        {% endif %}
  4. Add something like this to /upload/themes/survey/yourThemeName/css/custom.css:
    .navbar-brand {
        line-height: 60ph1.custom-survey-name {
    	margin: 0;
    	text-align: center;
  5. Toggle the "Survey name below progress bar" theme option to "Yes"
  6. You should see this: