

QS:Array filter

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 16:00, 15 May 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "フィルターをセットするには、編集中の質問の配列フィルターボックスに複数選択質問の質問コードを入力します。それぞれの質...")

配列フィルター (array_filter)



  • 複数選択
  • コメントつき複数選択
  • 自由回答(短い・複数)
  • 数字入力(複数)
  • 配列(5点、10点、はい/いいえ/どちらでもない、増加/同じ/減少、軸反転)
  • 配列(二元スケール、テキスト、数字)
  • 順位づけ





If you wish more questions to be filtered via this option, type the question codes in the box separated by semicolons (;).
  The subquestion codes used in the first question must coincide with the subquestion codes from the second one. Otherwise, the array filter function will not filter the answers to the first question. Check the below example to better understand how the whole system works.


The selected options can be displayed in cascade. This means that you can select a question which filters another question, which filters another question, and so on.

Array filter example

Let's take a look at the following example to better understand the power of this setting:

In the screenshot from above, we got two questions. The first one is a multiple short text question type, while the second one is an array dual scale question type. The answers you provide in the first question will be listed in the second one. Technically, the answers you provide to the subquestions from the first question are filtered and displayed in the second question.

This example can be downloaded from the following link: limesurvey_group_32.lsg. Import this question group into your LimeSurvey installation.