

QS:Random order

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 13:43, 14 May 2018 by Bravehorse (talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''説明'''")


  注意 : ランダム化の順番は、今のところ保存することができません。保存と再開のオプションを使うと、再開時の順番はランダムに変わります。


This attribute causes LimeSurvey to ignore the existing order of answer options/subquestions, and instead it orders them randomly. It is important to note that this random order will be reordered each time the question is displayed. So, if someone returns to a question, the order will probably be different from the first time she saw it. This option permits the survey creator to diminish the survey bias. Please note that if a question has subquestions, the order of subquestions will be randomized, not the order of the answer options.

Available options

  • Yes - Randomize on each page load
  • No (default)