
Add new menu and view by a plugin

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 14:35, 22 November 2016 by Olle (talk | contribs) (→‎2.5x)

How to write a plugin that adds a menu to the admin menubar & when clicked renders some content.


1. Create a new plugin, in our case called PageDemo. In the plugins/ folder, there should be a folder name called PageDemo and within it a class called PageDemo inheriting \ls\pluginmanager\PluginBase. Also create a folder called views/ in your plugin folder and add index.php to it.


This is the PageDemo.php file so far, with basic settings:


use \ls\menu\MenuItem;
use \ls\menu\Menu;

 * Demo for adding new admin page in LimeSurvey 2.56.1
 * @since 2016-11-22
 * @author Olle Härstedt
class PageDemo extends \ls\pluginmanager\PluginBase
    static protected $description = 'Short demo on how to show a new admin page';
    static protected $name = 'PageDemo';
    protected $storage = 'DbStorage';

2. Subscribe to event beforeAdminMenuRender to append menus.

     * Init plugin and subscribe to event
     * @return void
    public function init()

2.06 lts/2.6.x lts

1. Create a new plugin. let us call it Rewards

2. register for events afterAdminMenuLoad and newDirectRequest in the constructor

3. implement the above methods methods in the new plugin class

4. In the method afterAdminMenuLoad, add a new menu item and link it to


The best way to to this would be to make use of the createURL method:

   'href' => $this->api->createUrl('plugins/direct', array('plugin' => 'Rewards', 'function' => 'assignRewards')),

5. implement the method newDirectRequest

   public function newDirectRequest(){
       $event = $this->event;
       // you can get other params from the request object
       $request = $event->get('request');
       //get the function name to call and use the method call_user_func
       $functionToCall = $event->get('function');        
       $content = call_user_func(array($this,$functionToCall)); 
       //set the content on the event      
       $event->setContent($this, $content);        

6. implement the method plugin_action, in our case it is assignRewards(). In this method currently i am just trying to return some dummy content, you can have sophisticated page rendered.

   public function assignRewards() {
        $content = "<h1> plugin content set succesfully </h1>";
        return $content;        

7. The full Rewards.php

8. This is how the UI looks now.