

QS:Min answers

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 20:28, 12 June 2013 by DenisChenu (talk | contribs)

Minimum answers (min_answers)


Can be used to ensure that a user selects at least a certain number of answers in a multiple choice question.

Valid values

  • Any integer value above 0
 Hint: This feature changed with version 1.92
  • Any number
  • Any SGQA code
  • Any question code (variable name)
  • Any equation, using Expression Manager syntax, without surrounding curly braces.


If set to 3, the user will only be able to submit the survey form if they have selected at least three check-boxes. In ranking questions, this ensures that at least three items are ranked. Please note that if you use this attribute with Ranking questions please set the question to non-mandatory - because when you leave it at mandatory all items need to be ranked which is counter-active to this feature.