
Failed email notifications

From LimeSurvey Manual

Revision as of 13:58, 14 September 2022 by P teichmann (talk | contribs)

Failed email notifications

This menu allows you to resend failed email notifications. Email notifications can be set in Notifications & data for every survey. When an email fails to be sent out the entire content of the email will be saved including images, attachments and replacements at the moment of sending it.


Possible interactions with a single entry.

Resend Email

Resend the saved email and choose to delete or keep the entry after sending was successful.

Email content

View the current email template, this does not represent the saved email content.

Error message

Displays the error message fetched from mailing function.


The entry will be deleted and will not be available for resending again. After a 30-day period of the notification first failing, it will be deleted.

Massive Actions

Actions that can be executed on multiple entries simultaneously.


Resend all selected entries and choose to delete or keep the entry after sending was successful.


Delete all selected entries.


Notifications will be created and shown for the superadmin. When selecting the notification, all surveys with failed email notifications will be displayed with a link.


Link to the Database docs here.